More to the Story

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Life went by as usual since Liam discovered Henry. He never told anyone he had found him, with the state Henry is in now it would be hard to convince anyone that it was still him.
"How is the "finding" going?"

"Pretty good honestly!"

Drew was shocked by that, "I thought you would've given up by now."

"Henry was my best friend, I can't just give up." It was hard for Liam to say it, he had already found him, and they had made up by now. Using the past tense was weird.

"Look, he's been gone for a month now, you're not going to find him. He is probably dead by now," Drew said.

The way he said "dead by now" made Liam's blood boil, Henry wasn't dead, he was doing well in fact. But he kept his anger to himself, choosing not to yell at Drew. He couldn't lose the only friend he could talk to at school.

It sucked knowing that Drew didn't know there was more to the story.

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