We Meet Yet Again (PT. 1)

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Liam decided to take Drew the next time he went to search for Henry. It took a while of convincing for Drew to come along. Drew wasn't keen on going, considering the temperature and time.

"Are you sure Henry is here? It's been a little under two weeks since he went missing, he's probably gone for good by now," Drew said

Liam answered, "I just know he is here. He has to be here."

Drew thought that it was weird that Liam was acting like this, of course he would. It seemed that Henry would've been dead by now considering the circumstances of his disappearance. However, Liam knew that that wasn't the case.

"Stay close to me, we don't want to end up like whatever I saw the first time I came here," Liam ordered.

Drew was shocked the same as everyone else when Liam showed him the picture of the deer, but he tried to reason with Liam that maybe it just happened to be on his hind legs at the time. Up until Liam showed him the hoofprints left behind.

"That was a deer though, it's not like we'll end up like that. We're human, not deer," Drew replied. He didn't give in to the rumors that the forest had something wrong with it. He didn't consider himself to be that gullible.

Liam just mumbled something incoherent to himself and started walking forwards.
"It's getting late, should we be going?" Drew asked after a while of walking through the forest.

Liam slowed down, "We're getting close, I feel it."

Drew just sighed and continued walking, he didn't know where the heck they were so he couldn't just leave. Plus, they only had each other for protection.

A little while of walking started to wear down on Drew. He wasn't used to walking this much, nobody was. Unless you either had to or enjoyed it.

"Alright! I'm leaving, this is taking way too long!" Drew complained, "It's getting dark, I'm getting tired. And I don't think we'll ever find Henry. Bye."

Before Liam could try and convince Drew to stay a bit longer, Drew ran off. Liam just sighed and shook his head and continued on.
A few minutes of walking later and the usual fog that was present completely disappeared. It made Liam feel unusually exposed, but he was glad he could actually see in front of him for once.

Liam sat down on the ground, feeling exhausted after walking for so long.


Liam quickly stood up and pointed his flashlight towards the source of the noise. Green eyes stared back at him.

He managed to take a picture.

As soon as he took the picture, it ran off

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As soon as he took the picture, it ran off.

Chittering and mildly birdsong-sounding noises emitted from nearby where Liam saw the eyes.

To him, it sounded like


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