⛥ V A L I D A T I O N ⛥

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  I lock myself into the farthest stall from the entrance and slide down the wall. I thread my hands in my hair and stare at the golden brown highlights. I've never really been fond of my hair. People always say it's the exact same color as my father's. My father. I scoff at the thought. My father and I have a complicated relationship. He's only really ever interested in my life whenever he needs something. It's always Theodore he's worried about.
  How are your classes going, Theo?
  How are you feeling, Theo?
  I'm so proud of you, Theo.
  I wish your sister had turned out more like you, Theo.
  I shake my head, trying to spare myself the pain. I breathe in slowly and let out a shallow breath, keeping my fingers on the pulse point in my neck. I continue this until I can feel my heart rate slow and lean my head against the wall.

  I've been having panic attacks since I was 14. None of my friends know, neither do my parents. Theo's walked in on me having one, though, but it's not like I wanted him to know. I made him swear not to tell anyone. The last thing I need is another reason for everyone to think I'm weak.

  Letting out one more sigh, I carefully pull myself off the floor and exit the bathroom. Thank Merlin for Saturdays.

"Oh, hey Vivianne," Harry greets me when I walk up to him at breakfast. Hermione and Ron both keep looking back from me to Harry wide-eyed.

"Hey," I smile with a little wave. "D'you mind if I-" I point to the table. They all shake their heads, though Ron and Hermione hesitate. I take a seat next to Harry and clear my throat, "I'm sorry for imposing, I was just wondering if you'd be able to help me?" I whisper the last part, looking only at Harry.

Harry's cheeks turn a deep shade of pink as he begins to speak, "I-"

  "He'd love to." Ron interrupts and smirks at Harry earning an elbow to the ribs from Hermione. "Bloody hell. What was that for?" he mumbles while holding his side. She glares at him and turns towards me.

  "What is it you need help with? I mean can't you ask any of your housemates?"

  "Have you met my housemates? Most of them've got rocks for brains,"

"Riddle's pretty smart," Ron shrugs. My face drops. There's no way in hell I will ever ask him for help.

"I can help you. Find me after Quidditch practice, yeah?" Harry smiles. He is always so sweet.

"Perfect, thank you so much. You are a life saver." I grin and stand from the table before going over to the Slytherins. "Hey guys,"

"M'lady," Enzo salutes me. I push his shoulder and sit next to him. Mattheo glances up at me, "Twice in one day, eh?"

"What d'you mean?" Theo furrows his brows. Mattheo shakes his head and mutters a soft 'nothing.'

A.N- im sorry this ones so short; i didnt have much time but i still wanted to put something out.

P.S- dw, the next chapters gonna be juicy ;)

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