Chapter 6

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'••//////||||||Chapter 6||||||\\\\\\••'

•//////||||||Jason's POV||||||\\\\\\•

We don't know which way she went but we didn't care, once we were out of the window, we ran. Ty leading us through the woods, we didn't stop to rest until arrows hit us.

"OW!" Adam exclaimed and looked at me, "JASON, WHY?!"

They both knew I was the bowsman here so I just pointed to the arrow on my arm, "you really think I'd shoot myself?" I explained to him.

"HELLO? WHO'S OUT THERE?" Ty called. He didn't care about our problems, he was insistent on finding Daniella.

I hear a familiar voice ring out, "Adam, Jason, Ty? Is that really you guys?" A mudkip's head pokes out through a tree's leaves, followed by a frog head.

"Husky (Quinton)? Kermit? How did you guys get here?" I ask.

"We were just playing a mini game together and next thing we knew, we were in this world! We were looking for someone, have you seen a girl in a rainbow striped creeper hoodie and orange hair come by?" Husky asked.

"Nope, but we're looking for someone too! Neon green striped creeper hoodie and brown hair." Adam says.

"No sorry, maybe we could look for them together?" Kermit suggests.

"Yeah the more help the better" Ty agrees. "But we'd better explain what happened on each side as we go it'll be easier to understand." He explains.

We start running, and as we do Ty tells the two what happened. Starting with the diamond, then everything in between, and finally running into them.

"Well that sucks. So do you like her?" Quinton asks.

"It doesn't matter!" Ty yells at him "Just tell us what happened with you and...whatshername."

Kermit tells us, "Oh yeah her name is Crimson, or Crim for short. So what happened is we spawned in this world next to her. She recognized us right away, fangirled a little bit, then she asked if you three were here too. We said we didn't know, cuz we didn't! She was set on finding out if you guys were here. She wanted to head out and find you but we didn't let her. Then, I don't know the exact time, but she left a note, here you can read it!" And he hands Adam the note, he reads it out loud.

"Dear Quinton and Kermit, I'm going with Herobrine, he has been visiting me saying he needs my help with something. I didn't want to but, he said tonight that he would help me find Adam, Ty, and Jason if I helped him. So I'll be with him.


Crim" and with that he folds up the letter and hands it back to Kermit.

"Herobrine!? She could be in danger!" I exclaim.

"Yeah no fucking duh!" Husky freaks out.

I'm pretty sure Ty did this to annoy him but he asked, "Do you like her?"

Quinton glares at him, "No."

'••/////|||||Daniella's POV|||||\\\\\••'

I woke up suspended above a pit of lava. I kept still knowing that if I shook free, I'd die in lava. I then realized I would respawn! I began to shake.

"I don't think you want to do that! I set all of you and your friend's modes to hardcore, you die, you die for good." I look around for the voice and still can't find it.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!? I NEED TO KNOW!" I scream, maddened by the suspense.

"Well okay then, if you need to know!" I stare in front of the pit as a body appears before it.

The first thing I notice is his glowing white eyes, I didn't need to see anything else. Not the teal shirt, or the dark pants, not even the tan skin. Right after seeing the eyes I knew I was looking at Herobine himself.

I scowl, "Herobrine"

"Why so angry? You're the one who summoned me!" He smugly explains.

"Yes, I know. I didn't think you'd do all this! Why did you want me to stay with the boys if you were going to kidnap me!?" I angrily say to him.

"What? I DIDN'T want you to stay with them!" He says, confused.

"But you said yes when I asked if the world wanted me to stay with them! I'm so confused!" I yell.

"He didn't, I did." I hear him speak but his lips aren't moving, I turn to see another him standing on an open window sill, with...wait is that? OH MY GODS IT IS! IT'S CRIM!

"CRIM?! YOU'RE HERE TOO!?" I'm so lost right now! So there are two Herobrines and Crim is here!? What is going on!?


What are you complaining about?! I told you guys I liked to add in twists!

And btw crim/crimson is crimsonvampire on here, she's my best friend so I figured she should be in my book!

Please don't ask me to be in it, I'll add you in if I want to!

Thanks for reading! I want to have a signature, so tell me if you like it!


-Danni <3

(P.S. yes I got the idea from Pewdiepie :P)

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