Chapter 7

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•••//////||||||Chapter 7||||||\\\\\\•••

"Hold up, there are TWO Herobrines? How does that even make sense?" I ask, confused.

The one with Crim answered, "The Herobrine mod you installed spawned-"

I cut him off, "You okay now I got it!"

"What? No it spawned him!?" He's mad at me then he takes a breath and calms down.

"Wait but isn't Herobrine evil?"

"NO! I'M NOT EVIL!" He releases his anger.

"Then...what? GAH! WHAT IS GOING ON!? So YOU'RE the one who wanted me to stay with the boys!"

He nods like, 'no duh...'

"So why are you good and he's bad?" I ask, awaiting an explanation.

•/////|||||Herobrine's POV|||||\\\\\•

"I can tell you later, we have to deal with him first" I point to the fake me.

He looks at me for a second, then speaks, "Oh go ahead, tell your story, it'll give me time to think"

I raise an eyebrow but go ahead and start my tale, "As everyone knows Notch and I found Minecraft together. We started a house, had a farm, planted flowers. Notch was the best brother anyone could have...then it all changed. One day I was mining and he snuck up from begins me with a diamond sword and he killed me... He modeled the 'Steve' character after me as an apology, but I didn't accept it and I destroyed our original house. He couldn't do anything about it, for you can't hit a ghost!"

Daniella inturrupts me, "Right now it DOES sound like YOU'RE the evil one."

"Will you let me finish?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"Go ahead, I was just sayin'."

With that said I continue, "So after he saw the wreckage I did to our home, he banished me to the nether. I wasn't to come out. But I did. I tried to save as many people as I could. But Notch got to them all first. So I needed to gather the last survivors of who could defeat him." I look at Crimson and Daniella. "You two and the boys are our last hope."

"Wait we can kill Notch!? I can't do that!" Daniella yells across the room.

"Danni," Crim tells her, "you may be in minecraft but you and I are still..." She glances at the two Herobrines who have a slightly confused took on their faces. "Well ya' know!"

She nod and agree but explain, "That wouldn't really help me in this situation..."

•••//////||||||Ty's POV||||||\\\\\\•••

We have been traveling for around 4 hours now, we're all tired and hungry.

"Can we rest now?" Adam asks. I swear to Notch he asks that every minute!

"No." I sternly reply. "We have to keep going!"

"Come on man we all need the rest! You especially!" Kermit calls me out. I look at myself, seeing what he means, but pretending I don't.

"I'm FINE!" I yell at them. "You guys can rest but I'm going to keep walking." They all know I won't change my mind, so they set down 'camp' and I walk away, eating a steak. Well I was hungry..!

After walking for about 10 to 15 minutes I saw a gigantic structure in the distance. Could that be? No it CAN'T be! Adam and Jason said they'd blown it up! But it is... It's Herobrine's mansion.

I race into the doors and no one is there. I search the middle floor, nothing, next floor, nope! Finally I search the top floor and once I reach the top of the steps I stand in horror. Two Herobrines. Daniella over a lava pit. The girl with the other Herobrine in the window, by appearance I'm guessing is the 'Crim' girl Quinton and Kermit were talking about. I don't know why there are two, but I just care about the one with MY Danni.


And so the epic battle shall start in the next chapter! Sorry for posting this now, my parents just wouldn't go to sleep!!!! So yeah sorry again!



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