Chapter 22

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-----------------------------Chapter 22-------------------------------

I wake up with a sudden jolt, did I fall asleep last night? Dammit, I wanted to stay up! I look all around the room, wait, where's Ty? I look over to the chair he slept in last night, in it I saw a small piece of paper. I swiftly jumped up out of my bed, no pain, guess I'm almost completely healed! I walk over to the chair and pick up the note. The hand writing is horrible, it's hard to read, but I can still read it. It reads: 


We have kidnapped Ty and Crimson. Don't look for Adam for help, he already left. If you want them back unharmed, come back into minecraft and fight us, we will be ready, will you?


GOD DAMMIT SQUIDS!!! How am I even supposed to go back into the game?! I didn't control myself going in last time, how can I get back in?! I decide to search the room, just incase Ty is playing some sick joke. I look under the bed, behind the curtains, and basically everywhere else, he really is gone, but as I look under the chair I see a glint of light and I reach under the chair. As i pull my hand back out, I recognize Ty's laptop. Maybe he heard the squids coming and hid it for me to find. I open up the laptop and see skype is already pulled up, good, I won't have to hack him. I find all the contacts I need, Jason, Quinton, and Dakota, and I invite then to a chat.

"Hey Ty, whatcha- you're not Ty..." Jason picks up first.

"Obviously. I'll explain once the other two pick up." In mere seconds they pick up, "Hey guys, Ty's not here, and I found this note, read it." I hold up the note to the web-cam.

"So...first we were pulled into the game, then 'Deadlox and 'Sky' were pulled out and now squids! Do you think it's Notch again?!" Dakota asks, worriedly.

"Yeah, why does he keep going after you?" Quinton asks

"How the hell should I know?!" He shrugs. "Maybe, maybe he wants to take my power? That's all I can think of..."

"That's the worst possibility!" Dakota yells

"Well what would the best be?" I ask.

"I would say it, but I don't want to get my ass kicked..." Quinton says, of course he would think like that. I roll my eyes at his remark. 

"Okay everyone pull up minecraft, maybe it'll just pull us in again!" I suggest.

"Maybe, it's worth a try I guess!" Jason replies.

"Oh, before I go in I have to ask you guys, does Ty have any mods installed?"

"No, he deleted them all because they were making his game lag." Quinton answered.

"Okay, good, we don't need any extra annoyances."

"Yeah, so...ready to try?" Dakota asks.

"I guess, I'm pulling it up now." I say while clicking on Ty's minecraft and logging in as me. And, as suspected, we were all sucked in.

We were thrown onto the ground of minecraft, but it was different...bouncy. We struggle to stand up at first, but we all got up, we look around and notice that the particles that make the blocks are no longer completely solid. "What the fuck happened here?!" Quinton exclaimed, looking around.

"I-I think this is Notch's twisted minecraft, do you notice how the colors are darker than normal?" I suggest.

"Yeah, I think you're right..." Jason says.

"I wish I wasn't."

"Well we'd better get going, we don't have time to waste." Jason said, taking a step forward and tripping over the bouncy ground. The other two and I laugh as we go to help him up.

"You are right, let's go!" I say, running off, ignoring the trampoline-like ground, they follow closely behind me as I look. 

We run for a half an hour, then stop when we see a girl standing and looking around at the world. "Who the hell is that?" Jason asks.

"I think I got this, I'll be back, just wait here" I walk away, towards the girl. I tap on her shoulder, "Ummm... hi? what's your name? Do you know why you're here?"

She whips around and looks at me, "Danni?"

"H-how do you know my name?"

"It's me...Kate."

"Kate?! DAMN IT!"

"Calm down! What's wrong?!"

"You were brought in here by notch, he hates me, and might use you to blackmail me, I'll explain the rest on the way." I turn and yell back to the guys, "IT'S OKAY, SHE'S A FRIEND!" They all walk up and I introduce Kate to them and them to Kate. "Okay, now let's go." I say after briefly explaining the rest. We all run off to find those damned squids.


YAY finally got it up! but now, I must go to camp, sorry! I shall return!



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