Chapter 23

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it took a while to finally find a trail of redstone (At least i hope it was redstone...), but, since I was pretty sure Notch had set it there, so I told every one to follow me. "Since when were you the leader?" Quinton asks. 

"Since the moment my best friend and boyfriend were kidnapped." I say, glaring at him. He opened his mouth to reply, but shut it a second later. "Good choice." 

We followed the trail of redstone until we ended up in front of a mansion. Just the atmosphere felt dangerous and deadly. "This is definitely it." Daktoa says, shivering and hiding behind Jason. 

"At least i hope it is..." Jason replies.

"Yeah, otherwise we'll have wasted a lot of time..."

"True, but we should go in, before we waste more time" I suggest. They all nod in reply, and we walk off towards the mansion. We get there and knock from the door. It slams open and I take a look inside. "There's no one is sight..." i note.

"T-then who opened the door..?" Kate asks, Oh great even Kate is scared, that's never good.

"Guys," I start, "There's a pressure pad." I say staring down at the wood pad below my feet. They all stare at it for a second and then they start to laugh. "yeah, we're idiots, but we have to keep moving, and quietly." I tell them.

"Yeah, Danni's right." Quinton agrees with me, after he's done cracking up.

"Let's go then." Jason also agrees and we head into the mansion, watching our every step for traps and squids. After a while we have found...absolutely nothing. No squids, no traps, just empty hallways and staircases.

"You sure we got the right house?" Kate asks.

"We better've, otherwise this house will be no more..." I say, glaring into the emptiness.

"Okay then..." Dakota says, changing the subject, "wait, what is that?!" He says, pointing to something shining in the darkness. I move closer, daring to get a closer look, as no one else would, but as I look closer I swear I see a hand. I lean in and see an entire body...wearing sunglasses...and a budder and amethyst necklace...

"It's 'Sky'... " I say staring in horror at the dead corpse

"Wow..." Jason starts getting a closer look with the others, "I guess Notch had no need for him anymore..."

"Wait, who?" Kate asks, confused.

"Long story, it'd be better to not know, we just need to get us all out of here alive." Dakota tells her, trying to comfort her.

I roll my eyes, he so likes her..., I think to myself, but say aloud, "Well at least we know this is the place..."

"Yeah, lets get out of here, It's creeping me out." Quinton says, ushering us out.

"Yeah." Kate, Dakota, and Jason agree as I get one last glance at 'Sky'.

We wander through the mansion in silence, looking into empty room after empty room, still nothing...  I wander ahead of them, but just in their line of sight. I check a room with a door that seems more metallic that the others, I peek my head in and see more nothing. I hear a small squeal in the directions my friends are in, I turn my head, expecting to see someone fallen, but instead, I see no one. My friends were gone, no longer there, disappeared... "Just great..." I mumble to myself.

I can't give up, even if I'm alone, even if they're trapped with Crim and Ty, that just gives me more of a reason to find them. I walk for a long time until I spot a door made of obsidian. "This's got to be it..." I say opening the door. I swear the lights turn on as soon as I opened the door. When the door closed I heard it lock and turn so I'm no longer looking at the door. What I see is all my friends, even Adam, in a cage hung above boiling water, and Notch standing by a lever, guarded by fucking squids.

"Hey Danni..." Crim says with a you've-got-to-be-kidding-me-you-fell-for-that? face on.

"Well, Daniella, you actually came." Notch says looking at me.

"No way I did?!" I reply sarcastically.


I shall end it here! I FINALLY FUCKING POSTED YUSSSSSSSS! XD yay, thank you guys for all the support, even though I hadn't posted for such a long time! I'm so happy, and I can't believe that I'm already almost at 10,000 reads! This is a dream come true! I really want to be an author when I grow up, so it's great to start off like this on such a great site, so once again, thank you! (And yes, I do know how short the chapter is, but I might be finishing the book next chapter so, I want it to be pretty long :3)



A Horrifying Truth (Minecrafters(Mainly deadlox) fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang