Chapter 18

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----------------------Chapter 18----------------------

'''''''Ty's POV'''''''

I don't remember what happened or how long I've been out, but I woke up in the back of my house, in a bush. I think it's around noon. All I remember is that I went to talk to Daniella, then she pushed me from the ladder, and I guess I passed out when I hit the ground, did I get here? What the fuck happened..? I groan as I get to my feet. My foot hurts, so I limp back to my house. Right before I shut my front door, I shoot a glance at Danni and Crim's house. I wonder if either of them moved me..? If they didn't then...who did..?

I need to talk to them later, but I'm filthy from laying in the grass and dirt for like a couple days...I guess. So I'll go take a shower now. When I get out of the shower I think about how long I might've been out and think about my other friends, my YouTube friends. If I've been out for a few days, then my subscribers and friends must be wondering where I am. I go to my E-mail and see more than three thousand 'New Comment' E-mails. Most of them are the usuals, 'I LOVE YOU TY!!! <3', "You guys are so funny!', 'MORE!!!'. Eventually they came to things like, 'You haven't uploaded for days!', 'WHERE ARE YOU?!', 'COME BACK!!!!!' . The most interesting one was, 'both you and Sky heven't posted in 4 days! FOUR!!!! WHERE ARE YOU TWO!?'. 

So, I know I haven't posted for at lease three days, so I guess I was out for a day... But, Adam...where was he? I hear the doorbell ring, hoping it was Danni, I open the door. "Adam?! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Dude, calm it, I'm here to help you!"

"Why would you think I needed help?"

"You haven't posted anything in 4 fucking days."

"Neither have you!"

"Because I was coming over here to you and I didn't get any time to go on my laptop!"

"Well, I've been busy!!!!"

"How so?"

"Nothing you need to know about!" I never told him, or anyone, about Danni and Crim living nextdoor...I don't want them to bug me about it. I know they would.

"Well, we need to upload a video NOW!"

"Fine, but what'll we tell them we were doing?!"

" were sick and I had to come and help you!"

"Sure, I guess that'll work."

"You still seem sad, dude, what happened?"

"Nothing, just, nothing."

"You WILL tell me eventually!"


He rolls his eyes and pushes me inside,"Come on, we can't have our armies wait any longer!"

A Horrifying Truth (Minecrafters(Mainly deadlox) fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now