Chapter 15

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•///////|||||||Chapter 15||||||\\\\\\•

'••/////|||||Daniella's POV|||||\\\\\••'

Crim goes back upstairs, probably to play minecraft, and leaves us two alone again. Ty turns to me awkwardly, "Hey, you...ummmm... want to, maybe, go to dinner?"

"Just us two?" He shyly nods, "sure! I'd love to!" I smile.

He does to then wipes his forehead, "Whew so happy you agreed! That could've been really awkward!"

I laugh in agreement, "Just come back in an hour and I'll be ready! And don't wear anything fancy!"

He nods, laughing,"got it!"

Basically the entire hour I waste picking my outfit, I'm not the type of girl that others would call a 'girly-girl', I don't wear what I think is cute. I wear what fits or what I like to wear. So I don't know what to wear! I look through my closet, all plain, stupid shirts, pants, shoes, and hats. UGH!

I dig through the pile of clothes in the corner of my room. Some of the things I can't decide on, but eventually I get to the bottom of the pile, after picking a pair of dark jeans, brown, tall boots, and a Minecon 2012 shirt, I find my neon green and white creeper hoodie. The one I copied for my skin on Minecraft!

As I look in the mirror I realize that I look almost exactly like my minecraft avatar now. It's kind of creepy. -DING DONG-, I hear the doorbell ring. Too late to change my outfit now.

I yell down the hall to Crim, "CRIM IM GOING OUT WITH TY!"

She immediately peers out of her door way, "ooooooo... Someone's got a boyfriend!"

I stomp over to her and smack her upside the head, "Oh, shut up!"

"OW! Why you do dis!?" Okay now she's mocking Ty and Adam, that's taking it too far! I slap her again. "STOP SLAPPING ME!!"

I laugh and hop down the stairs, "Now shoo!" She sticks her tongue out at me, then goes into her room and shuts the door. As she shuts hers I open the front door and see Ty standing there in the same minecon 2012 shirt that I'm wearing... Looks like I won't be taking off my hoodie!

"Wow nice hoodie! I didn't know it was real!" He laughs

"Well it is! And Crim's is real too!"

"Awesome! So where do you want to go?"

"I dunno, I'm the new neighbor! You tell me!"

He laughs, "I kinda like this place, it's called Gamer's cafe!"

(Sadly not real :( )

"That sounds prefect! Should I go grab my computer?"

"Yeah, you can show me whatcha got on minecraft!"

"If it's parkour, then you're goin' down!"

"Oh ho ho is that so? We'll find out! I'll be waiting in the car!"

He turns as I run upstairs and grab my computer, "Bye Crim!"

She laughs, "Have fun on you're date!" I walk over and slap her, but before she can respond, I'm downstairs and out the door.

I walk to Ty's car and open the door, sitting next to him, "Alright I got my laptop, you got yours?" He holds up his laptop, "Lets go then!" He nods and in a few minutes of talking about which games we like, we're already at the cafe. It's really close by!

The entire time there I was playing minecraft, all of the EJM ((Epic Jump Map(s)) and he really is getting better at parkour! But I'm still way better! I smirk every time he says, "why you do dis!?"

My reply every time was, "Because you're goin' down!" I really like that place! I think Crim and I should go sometime, just us two. It was so much fun and the next time I looked at the clock it was 9:30. "Oh my gods, Ty I gotta go back home!"

"What? Why?"

"Well crim and I normally play minecraft with other friends at ten today!"

"Okay, lets go, maybe I could...join you guys?"

"Yes! They all watch you, Adam, Jason, Quinton, and all the others a lot! They'd love to meet you!" We leave the cafe and drive home. "That was fun, now don't forget your laptop, that'd suck!"

"Truth!" He grabs his laptop and we walk in.


Crim runs downstairs and punches to to the ground, "GET AWAY FROM HER!" She yells at him like he's a murderer!

I grab her foot and flip her before she can kick him, "CRIM!? WHAT THE HELL!?"

She stands right back up and looks at me, "Get behind me."

"What, no!" I'm so confused right now! I see Ty on the ground, she must've punched him in his nose, because his nose is bleeding and he'a getting blood in his hands as he hold his nose to stop the bleeding.

I kneel down to him, "Ty, are you okay!?" He nods silently as his eyes water up. "Ty, get out of here before SHE," I glare up at Crimson (when I get mad I call her by her full name, it's the same with her) "gets any crazier!" He nods and runs out of the door.

I turn back to Crimson, "Why'd you do that? Did you not want him to play minecraft with us and our friends!?"

"Daniella Izabel S- you know what, Daniella Izabel HEARTFILLIA ((if you don't know, it's a last name from my favorite anime, Fairy Tail)) he was going to KILL you!"

I stare at her in shock and horror, "No. He wouldn't, and I thought you were my friend."

"I am that's why I had to get him away from you!"

"Yeah but said my real...I GOT RID OF IT FOR A REASON! NEVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN. EVER." That's when I snapped, my body started glowing and sparking, as it did in the game, my eyes now a radiating green as I glared into her eyes, "Now look what you did. Just leave me alone and let me calm down!"

It's like she just realized why she had done because in a soft, gentle voice she speaks to me, "I'm sorry Danni, I'll just have to tell you why I did it later then." I stomp upstairs, not caring about what she says. I walk into my room and slam the door, I whisper to myself as the glow, sparks, and radiation fades, "I just need to cool down..."

I hear a voice, "Hey."

I whip around and see Ty sitting on my bed. "Ty what are you doing here!? Get out! She's going to hear you!"

"No she 's going to hear you, so shhh!" He whispers.

"Fine!" I whisper too so Crimson doesn't hear. "So why the hell are you here!?" I repeat my question, but I'm a little more demanding.

"Well the bleeding stopped and I wanted to see you!"

I slap him, "why are you so stupid..."

"Ow!" He holds his cheek, "That hurt!"

"Sorry, but your answer was really cheesey."

He shrugs, "I guess I'll be going then!"

"Good! Just watch out, and be careful to not let Crimson see you."

"Why is she so pissed at me?"

"I don't know, but I have a feeling she'll tell me all about it once I'm not mad at her anymore, which'll be tomorrow. So goodbye and goodnight!" I'm practically pushing him out of my window.

He climbs out and onto a ladder that he used to get up here, "night, Danni."

I nod, "night,Ty"


I made this chapter really long, compared to my other ones anyway, because of my last two, late ones so you'd better be happy!!! Really hope you like it!



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