Chapter 1

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I hate that my mom got a job in this new town I didn't want to leave New York now I'm in this rural town that has so many snobby rich people. My mom has a better opportunity working at the hospital here though because everyone is so rich. But now I'm unpacking my entire life in this new room and I only feel anger.

I hear a knock on my door. "Hey honey I was talking to one of my colleagues and he said he can get you a job at his country club maybe you can make some friends there too."

I can't believe her it's only the first day being here and she is already making me get a job and make new friends. I miss my old job and my old friends. "Thanks mom but I don't want to do that."

She sighs and sits on my bed. "I know you are mad at me but can you try for me please this is our home now and we are going to be here for a while."

I groan and nod. "Fine when do I go?"

She smiles and gives me a phone number on a piece of paper. "This is the manager's number give it a call."

She smiles and walks out of the room. I guess it's better than sulking in my room. I dial the number.

"Benley country club how may I help you?" I hear a man on the other side of the phone.

"Hi my name is Loren Stanley and my mother Ashley Stanley said that the manager at the club has a job for me?"

"Oh yes we were waiting for your call. Would you like to come in and talk to her later this afternoon?"

"Sure see you this afternoon." I hang up and get dressed in some nice clothes.


I talked to the manager Sharon she is so nice and gave me a job as a waitress in the restaurant they have at the club. I don't mind being a waitress worked as one before but never with snobby rich people. All of a sudden I bump into someone. She falls on the floor and I'm on top of her.

"What the hell!?!?" She shoves me off and stands up. I look up at her and she is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. "Who do you think you are?!" I shake my head and notice what's going on.

" I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention are you okay?" She scoffs and storms off. Damn what's up her ass?

"Are you okay?" I look behind me and it's a guy with glasses and black longish hair sticking his hand out for me.

"Yeah I'm okay thank you. What's up with her?" I take his hand and nod over to that girl.

"That's Charlotte Benley her parents own the club. Everyone calls her Charlie if you ever call her Charlotte she will have your head." He motions me to walk with him. We walk over to the sitting area in the lobby.

"She is stuck up like I didn't mean to bump into her. Oh how rude am I, my name is Loren." I put my hand out for him to shake.

He takes my hand and smile. "I'm Max and it's nice to met you Loren are you a new member or going to work here?"

"I just got a job working as a waitress at the restaurant."

"Oh my god someone cool to work with finally!" He smiles big and jumps with joy. "I'm a waiter to at the restaurant."

"Oh thank god I was worried I would have to work with snobs." I sigh with relief and Max laughs.

"Hey would you like to come to my party I'm hosting Friday maybe you can meet everyone else that works here."

Ugh a party in 3 days like I just got here and I don't know anyone but Max barely. But I told my mom I would try. "Yeah sure."

He hands me his phone. "Here put your number in my phone I'll send you the details." I grab his phone and type my number in.

"Can't wait to see you again but I got to go my shift is about to start." He gets up to leave and stops in front of me. "Piece of advice don't let the members see you upset just makes things worse." He smiles at me and walks away. I think he knows I'm miserable here.


I can't believe that girl she literally fell on top of me. She needs to watch where she is going. I look over and she is talking to my brother's boyfriend Max. Oh god I hope I don't see her around because she knows Max.

"Why do you look like you are about to rip someone's head off?" My brother Keith ask me look at me concerned. "That girl talking to Max bumped into me and fell on top of me!"

He sighs and pats my shoulder. "It was probably an accident sis you need to calm down." I roll my eyes and shove his hand away.

"I don't care she doesn't look like she belongs here and she needs to leave!" She has a button up shirt that looks so old and jeans on like she is sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Leave her alone Charlie she is probably just new here." He walks away to the restaurant probably going to bug Max during his shift. I look over at the girl and she looks annoyed like why are you annoyed you bumped into me. I walk over to her.

"Can you stop sulking in my lobby and leave?" I stand there in front of her with my arms crossed. She looks up at me and roll her eyes.

"I'm sorry I bumped into you but you don't need to be rude Charlotte." She says my full name with a smirk. I want to rip her head off.

"Don't call me that! Who are you anyway?!" I can't stand this girl and I just met her.

"Wouldn't you would like to know?" She gets up, winks at me and walks out the door. The nerve like why you winking!

Hi everyone I've decided to start writing again it's been a long time but I wanted to do something I love. It has been hard trying to work on my other stories so I'm making a new one. I hope you all like this new book. I'm open to criticism and advice on my writing it's been a while. Enjoy!

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