Chapter 4

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Max is putting my suitcase in the back of his car when I look in the backseat and see Loren. "Max what hell is she doing here?!" Whisper yell to him. "Charlie she is my best friend and we were told to bring our friends too. Just try to be nice please she is already having a tough time." He looks at me with sad look and I sigh. "Fine I'll be civil but I'm not being her friend." I swing the back door open and she was talking to Keith she looked all happy but when she saw me her face dropped to a frown. Great the girl I have a crush on hates me. Wait what did I just think?! Get your head together Charlie.

"Charlie get in the car why are you just standing there?" Keith looks at me and smirks. I glare at him and sit next to her. "Hi Loren." She looked shocked I knew her name and didn't say a snarky remark. "Uh hi Charlo- Charlie." Now I'm the one that's shocked. This is the first time she ever called me Charlie. Maybe this weekend won't be as bad as I thought.

Max gets in the car and smiles. "Who is coming this weekend?" He looked at Keith. Keith pulls out his phone and looks at a list he has. "So it will be Me, you, Charlie, Loren, Evan, Stella, Baxter and Mitchell." I see him roll his eyes in the mirror. I really hope he doesn't hate me for inviting Mitchell.

Max looks at Loren in the mirror. "So Evan and Baxter is mine and Keith friends and Stella is Charlie's best friend and Mitchell is her boyfriend." Loren nods her head. "Alright got it." She looked determined for some reason.

"Can we go now we have been in our driveway for 10 minutes?" Max sticks his tongue out at me and turns on his car.



I got a bad feeling about this weekend Max keeps smirking at me and Charlotte keeps looking at me with a sad look on her face. Did I really hurt her feelings last Friday. You know what I don't care she purposely tried to hurt my feelings.

All of a sudden Max jerks the car to the right and made me slide into Charlotte. "What the hell Max what was that?!" He looks at me smirks and looks over next to me. Like right next to me I'm shoulder to shoulder with Charlotte.

"Sorry there was a big pothole." He laughs a little and Keith laugh too. I remember I'm still next to Charlotte I look her face before I move back over to my seat. Her face was all red and she was frozen. Oh no she is gonna kill me she is red with anger. I move over quick and when I look back over she looks  sad? What why would she be sad? She looks at me and notices I'm looking at her. Her eyes widen and then quickly looks out her window.


Max keeps smiling at me and Loren in the mirror and I swear to god if Keith told him what I said I'm going to kill him. Max jerks the car to right and Loren slides into me of course this girl isn't wearing a seatbelt. She is so close to me she smells like vanilla oh god please move over. My face is blushing so hard. She moved over and I frown because I missed the contact. I look over to her and she is looking at me. Oh my god I need to get it together! I quickly look out the window and take a deep breath.

"Loren where are you from?" Keith speaks up in the quiet car. "I'm from New York City. I miss it so much. One day I hope to go back." I look at her and she looks so sad she is looking at her hands in her lap. "One of my dreams is to go to New York City. I'm thinking about going to college there." I speak up and try to make conversation with her. She was so confused probably this is the first time I am nice to her. I see Keith's hand wave between his seat and the car wall. I smack it and look back at Loren.

"It's amazing you would love it." I smile at her and look back out the window.



We finally get to the lake house. That was the longest drive of my life. But the plus side is that Charlotte wasn't mean at all. Her and Keith are went inside already and I'm helping Max unload the car. "What the hell dude we all knew there was no pothole!" I hit his arm and he smirks.

"Loren she was definitely blushing you made a mark on her!" My eyes widen I cover his mouth. "Shut up don't talk too loud." He licks my hand and scream and wipe it on his shirt. "You are disgusting!" I hear Keith laughing on the porch.

"You guys are definitely already best friends." He smiles and walks over to us. He grabs Charlotte's bag. "She is so lazy she won't get her own bag and already taking a nap." He rolls his eyes and leans into his boyfriend. Max looks at the other cars in the driveway. Oh god is everyone already here?! "Looks like Stella and Mitchell are still on their way." Oh shit I forgot her boyfriend is coming.

"Loren are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost." Keith looks at me and waves his hand in front of my face. "Uh yeah just nervous meeting everyone." He nods and gives me a small smile. "They will love you we already do." I smile at them and walk into the house. "Um where is my room?" Max grins and looks at Keith.

"What are you grinning about?" He walks me over to the hall and points to my door. "Your room is the one right next to Charlie's." I look at him with a deadpan face. "You did that on purpose." I walk to my room and look at her's when I walk by.


"Why are you being all weird?" I look at Max when we unpack our clothes. "Don't tell anyone I told you this but Loren has a crush on your sister." Oh my god so he is trying to get them together not even knowing Charlie likes her.  "What why are you making that face?" Max asks me and stands in front of me. "Ohhhh you know something!" My eyes widen and I shake my head no. "No I don't!" I run out of the room and he follows me. "Keith you can't hide the truth forever!"

I can't tell him Charlie would kill me. Max comes up behind me and starts tickling me. "Tell me!" I couldn't stop laughing. "Alright stop please!" He stops and looks at me. "I'm guessing you know what happened at the party?" Max nods his head yes. "Well Char took what Loren said serious and can't stop thinking about it." I whisper in his ear so no one overhears since we are in the living room. Max jumps off me and stands with his hands on his hips. "So are you in on my plan?" I smile and think that Charlotte deserves better Mitchell is an ass.

"I'm here! Where is my girlfriend at!?" Speak of the devil and barges in and looks at us. "Where is your sister at?" I stand up and look at him and put my finger to my lips. "Shhh she is taking a nap." He rolls his eyes and walks over to Charlie's room and opens the door. "He is such an idiot I hate him. I'm in." I really hope he doesn't make this weekend hell.

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