Chapter 11

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Hi everybody just warning about this chapter there is some violence.


I pull up to Mitchell's house and run up to the door. I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. No one answered and I wasn't going to wait any longer. I try the door knob it was unlocked and I opened the door. I heard a muffled yelling coming from upstairs. Shit Mitchell is yelling. I run upstairs and he is slamming his hand on a closed door.

"Where is she?!" He whips his head around. "Why the fuck are you here?!" He storms towards me and he stops when the door he was hitting opened. "Leave Loren alone asshole!" Charlotte stood there with a split lip and her hair is a mess. My eyes widen when I saw her. He hurt her I knew it.

Something snapped in me I punched Mitchell as hard as I can in the face. He stumbles back and holds his jaw. "You bitch!" He lunges towards me. I try to dodge him but he grabs my throat and pins me up against the wall. "Mitchell leave her alone!" Charlotte hits his back with her hands. He elbows her in the face and when he was distracted I kicked him in the crouch. He bends down in pain and I cough a bunch to catch my breath.

I run over to Charlotte's side she was unconscious. I scoop her up in my arms and run out of the house. He hurt again because of me god damn it. "I'll kill you bitch!" Mitchell yelled behind me he stood on his porch when I put Charlotte in the passenger seat. I glare at him and get in my driver seat. I have to get her to the hospital.


I wake up to bright fluorescent lights. My head was killing me. Shit Loren! I sat up quick and saw her asleep in a chair. I'm in the hospital and she is with me. Keith walks in the room and gasped. "You're awake!" He runs over to me and hugs me. Loren jumps up and looks at me with teary eyes. Keith runs out of the room to get the doctor.

"Are you okay?" I look at her neck it was bruised. "Don't worry about me you are the one who has been out for 2 days. How are you feeling?" 2 days! Last thing I remember I was hitting Mitchell on the back to let Loren go.

"My head is killing me. What happened I just remember hitting Mitchell to let you go?" She puts her hand on my hand. "He elbowed you in the head and you passed out. I shouldn't have punched him it's my fault he hurt you." She looks like she has been crying.

"Loren it's not your fault he hurt me. You were protecting me." I put my hand on her cheek. She looked down and sighed.

Keith rushed back into the room with Max, my parents and the doctor. I took my hand away from Loren's face. "Charlotte it's good to see you are awake." The doctor walked up to my bedside. He asked me a bunched of questions to see if I had any problems neurologically. I answered them all perfect.

"Okay so we are going to keep Charlotte for another day to monitor her." He looks at my parents and walks out. "Oh honey how are you feeling?" My mom comes to my side and grabs my hand. "I'm okay mom." My mom looks at Loren and smiles. "Thank you for saving our girl." Loren smiles and nods.

"Loren let's go get some food give Charlie some family time." Max hooks his arm around Loren's arm. She nodded and look at me searching for some sort of permission to go. I nod and smile. Her and Max leave the room and my dad cleared his throat. I looked at him and saw he was frowning.

"The police arrested Mitchell but couldn't keep him in custody till they got your statement." My eyes tear up I'm so scared he is going to show up here. "Hey it's okay Charlie we won't let him go near you ever again." Keith grabs my left hand and my mom squeezes my right hand. "I thought he loved me." Keith sighed and looked at my dad.

"I'm sorry darling but if he did he wouldn't have hurt you." My dad puts his hands on the end of my bed. "Why didn't you tell me and your mom what happened at the lake house? We could have make sure this didn't happen." I sigh and look at Keith. "The lake house was a misunderstanding and I love him." Keith got pissed off when I said that and stormed out of the room.

"What Keith, Max and Loren said doesn't sound like a misunderstanding." Damn they all told my parents. "I didn't want to believe it was on purpose." Tears stream down my face and my mom hugs me.


Max and I were walking back to the room and we saw Keith storm out of the room. Oh no is something wrong with her. We rush over to Keith. "Keith is everything okay?" He sighs and slides down the wall. "She said the lake house was a misunderstanding she is still defending him!" Max rubs his back and sits next to him. I stood there freaking out internally.

"Loren are you okay?" Keith looks at me with a concerned looked. "Do you think she'll go back to him? It's not safe for her. He can't hurt her again." My breathing gets heavy and they stand up and try to calm me down. "Loren we will make sure she doesn't go back to him we will protect her." I look at the door to her room.

"I need to talk to her." Keith nods and walks in the room. Her parents walk out and smile at me. "We are going to get some food at the cafeteria." Me and Max walk into her room. "Tell her Charlie." He glares at Charlotte and she sighs. "I'm sorry I put you through that Loren I won't ever put you in that position again. I'm not going back to him. It's obvious he doesn't love me."

I rush over to her side. "Hey I told you to call me if he ever got physical. I wanted to protect you. I want to be there for you." Charlotte smiles and grabs my hand.

"Thank you I was so scared. I was telling him that I was scared and hurt at what happened at the lake house then he started to blame me for not giving out slapped me across the face and dragged me by my hair. I managed to get away and text you." Tears stream down her face I wipe her tears away with my thumb. "I won't ever let anything happen to you like that again."

I look over at Keith and Max. Keith was furious and Max was trying to calm him down. "Charlotte you need to give a statement to the police so he won't hurt you again." Keith looks at me and then at Charlotte.

"Are you going to do that?" I hold her hand and rub my thumb on the back of her hand. Charlotte looked at her lap and tears dropped down. "It's hard you guys don't understand." Keith shook his head in disappointment and stormed out and Max followed him.

"Charlotte I know it's hard we just want to protect you. I want to protect you." I look into her honey brown eyes. Tears were falling down her face. "Charlotte I was scared not because I was in danger I was scared I didn't know how hurt you were. I don't want to ever feel like that again. I don't want you hurt like that again."

She puts her hand on my cheek. "Loren thank you for saving me and I'm okay now because of you." I sit on the edge of her bed and lean into her hand. "Just think about giving a statement or even just getting a restraining order. For me." She nods and grabs her thumb on my cheek. "I will for you."

She looks so tired so I take her hand and put it on the bed. "Get some rest okay." I stand up to leave but she grabs my hand. "Can you stay?" I nod and sat in the chair next to her bed and held her hand. I never expected this summer that I would fall for this girl and do anything for her.

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