Chapter 5

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"Charlie wake up I'm here you don't need to sleep anymore to wait for me!" I hear Mitchell yell entering my room. I groan and throw a pillow at him. He jumps on my bed and kisses my neck. "Mitchell stop." I open my eyes and push him off me.

"Maybe we can do something this weekend?" He puts his hand on my thigh. I push his hand off me and get out of bed. "I don't know maybe." I walk over to my bag and grab my brush and fix my hair. "Let's go see everyone."

He looked pissed and walked out of the room before I can. I take a deep breath and look out my door. Loren stood there in her doorway across the hall. She looked concerned and I gave her a sad smile. I walk past her to go to the living room where my best friend Stella is. "Stellllllaaaaa!" I run up to her and hug her. "Hey bitch how was the drive?" She smiles and hugs me back.

She looks behind me and her eyes widen. "Who's that?" Loren walked in and went over to the kitchen with Max. "That's Max's friend he met last week she is new to the town." Stella looks her up and down then it came to her. "Is that the girl who pushed you and did you ride up here with her?"

"She didn't push me she bumped into me and fell on me. Yes I did but it wasn't bad at all." I don't know where she got the idea that Loren pushed me. "Oh Mitchell said she pushed you." Well that answers my question and why would her say that? Mitchell came up behind me and hugs me from behind. "Hey baby." I turn around and push him gently off me.

"Why don't we have some drinks?" I look at Keith and I see how much he wants to kill Mitchell in his eyes. "Yeah Char come to the kitchen with me." I walk over the kitchen with him and I know Mitchell is starting at my ass the entire time. The living room and kitchen are an open concept so I can't hide behind a wall to get away from him. I really regret inviting him all he does is treat me like a piece of meat lately. I don't even feel pretty when he talks to me.

"Charlie are you okay?" I look up to see Max handing me a drink. "I regret inviting him all he wants now is sex. It doesn't even feel like a relationship anymore." Tears form in my eyes. Keith got pissed and was about to confront Mitchell but Evan and Baxter came into the room with water guns. Me and Loren both duck behind the island and Max grabbed water guns out of the sink and handed one to Keith.

"You guys are wild bunch." Loren looks at me and laughs. Her face was like 5 inches away from mine. I start to blush and she gave me that concerned look again. "Stop looking at me like that I don't need pity." She frowns and leans her back to the counter wall. "I'm sorry that was mean I'm just going through a lot." She looks shocked when I said that. "You never apologized to me before." I guess it was the first time I did. All of sudden I felt a hand on my arm and Mitchell pulls me up.

"Don't worry babe I'll protect you." He is holding a water gun and starts to shoot Evan. Stella was hiding behind Baxter. She always had a crush on him maybe she might tell him this weekend. I remember Loren was still on the floor I looked over and she was gone. She walks out the back door onto the back porch. Did I do something wrong?


She apologized to me that's something I would never expect from her. I sit on the porch swing and look at my feet. I feel like the odd one out here everyone is so close here. I hear the door creak open and I look up to see Charlotte standing in front of me.

"Can I sit with you?" I can't believe she is talking to me and wants to be around me. I nod and pat the seat next to me. She sits down and fiddles her thumbs. "I want to apologize from everything I didn't even think that I haven't said sorry till now. I shouldn't have been so mad about you bumping into me and I think I would have let it pass but you called me Charlotte and it pissed me off." She really hates her name but it's so pretty. "I can admit I said it to get a rise out of you but I do actually think your name is beautiful. So that why I kept saying it." I see her blush and smile.

"Thank you and do you think we can be friends?" I shake my head to understand what I just heard. "It's okay if you don't want to. I'm just going to go back inside." She stands up but I grab her hand. "Yes I'll be your friend but that means you have to be nice to me okay." She smiles and sits back down. "I promise." I really hope she doesn't break that promise.

"Hey guys we are going to barbecue and have some drinks do you want to help?" Max comes out and gives us both cups with vodka in it. "Sure but Max you have to mix something with vodka I'm not just drink this." She pulls my arm and pulls me into the kitchen. "Here let me fix your drink." She pours some blue juice into it. "Thanks Charlotte." I say her name and for the first time I see her smile when I call her that.

"Don't call her that loser she hates that name." Stella walks over to us and leans against the counter. I look at Charlotte and she looked so nervous and stays quiet. "Stella be nice that's my best friend." Max stands up for me and walks between me and Charlotte.

"Loren I need your help with the grill." He grabs my wrist and brings me to the back yard. "What did I say about calling her that." I take a sip of my drink and I agree with Charlotte this is so much better. "She was okay with it we talked and I told her that her name is beautiful that's why I call her it." Max jumps with joy and almost stabs me with the grill fork thing I don't know the name off I don't know why he need help with grill. "I took you out here with me because I thought she was going to kill you."

"So you don't need my help? So I am going to go back in the house." I smirk and walk back to the house. "I was right about this weekend!" I hear him yell behind me.

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