Chapter 3

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It's been a week since the party and I can't get her words out of my head. Crazy thing is I don't even remember her name. But I haven't been called gorgeous by someone in forever. Mitchell calls me pretty when I wear what he wants me to wear but he has called me ugly if I'm not perfect for him. I don't know what to do. I love Mitchell and the biggest thing is that she is a girl and I don't like girls. Oh and she rudely bumped into me and calls me Charlotte I hate her for that.

Keith knocks on my door and steps in. "Are you okay Char you haven't talk much this week? Did Mitchell do something I'll hurt him?" He gets mad mentioning Mitchell.

"Why do you hate Mitchell you were his friend?" I look up at him with teary eyes. He sighs and sits next to me.

"Last time we hung out with the rest of the guys he was bragging about how he fucked you and that it was okay. That you need to work on yourself." I gasped and shook my head no.

"Keith I never done anything with him! I've haven't done anything with anyone. I can't believe he is telling people that." I start to cry and can't believe what I just heard. He noticed that I'm telling the truth and hugs me.

"I'm so sorry Char I should have talked to you sooner. So is Mitchell not the reason why you are upset this week?" I freak out a little and sit up quick. He looks at me with wide eyes like I spooked him.

"I have to tell you something but you can't pick on me or tell anyone including Max." I rub my hands together I'm so nervous I don't know why I am. He looks at me with confusion and nods yes. "I won't tell anyone." My heart is racing I'm so nervous.

"I was crying at the party Friday and that girl who bumped into me asked me if I was okay and I started to talk to her but noticed it was her and told her to go away and well..." I clear my throat and so scared to say the next part because if I say it that will make it true. "Char what happened?" He looked so concerned and comforted me.

"She told me that my boyfriend doesn't see that I'm gorgeous and she said it with such passion. Mitchell never calls me gorgeous and this girl thinks I am and she stormed off and I have no idea how to feel about it. I don't even know her name and she made me so nervous and felt gorgeous after so long of not feeling gorgeous." I'm looking down the whole time I was so scared to look at Keith.

"Charlie do you have a crush on the girl you have been so mean too?" I look up at him and I don't have an answer. "Her name is Loren." Loren it's such a pretty name. "Are you thinking about her right now?" He nudges me with his elbow and I look at him mad.

"I told you not to pick on me! And I don't like girls." I stand up and walk over the my vanity. "She just made me feel gorgeous." I smile in the mirror and he laughs behind me and walks to the door.

"I think you have a crush and maybe you should be nice to her." He walks out and now I feel ever more conflicted.


"I'll be right back with your order." I walk away from the table with a cute old couple. I hand the kitchen the paper with their order. Max walks up to me and leans on the counter.

"We never talked on why you left my party in a hurry. What happened? I'm sorry you had a bad time." I sigh and think about Charlotte she looked so sad but even with puffy red eyes from crying she was so gorgeous and told her that. I should have just left when she told me to go away. She is probably going to make fun of me now. "Loren?" I look up at him and forgot to respond.

"I called Charlotte gorgeous and stormed out." His eyes widen and leans forward.

"OMG WHAT?!?" He looked so excited and grabs my hands. "I'm so confused how did that end up happening?! Don't you two hate each other?" I look down and sigh.

"I don't like her she is such a bitch but that doesn't make her ugly and she was crying about her boyfriend or something I told her that he doesn't see that she is gorgeous and she did especially in that red dress." He smirks at me and pulls out his phone. "What are you doing Max?" He types a message to someone then looks at me.

"You are coming with me to Keith's parent's lake house this weekend." I look at him with a shocked face and shake my head no.

"No because his parent's is her parent's and she will be there. Pass." The kitchen rings the bell and I grab my order.

"Please Loren I want you to come it will be so fun! There will be our friends there too so it won't just be us 4." I roll my eyes and walk away.

"I'll think about it and you better not be planning anything stupid." He laughs behind me and yells no promises.


I text Keith and tell him I'm bring Loren this weekend. He was excited she was coming and was so happy I got a new friend. I just met Loren last week but she already feels like my best friend and I can tell that she has feelings towards Charlie. I just have to get them to hang out this weekend and to get Loren to stop calling her Charlotte. I have to talk to Keith and get him to get on board about it. I know he hates Mitchell and just wants his sister happy. Can't wait for this weekend. The bell rings in the kitchen and I forgot I was working I ran over to get my order and get back to work.

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