Chapter 6

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I walk in and Charlotte is nowhere to be found everyone else is sitting in the living room. But I noticed Mitchell is not there either. Oh yeah she probably spending time with her boyfriend. "Loren come over we are playing Uno." Evan yells over to me.

I walk over and sit next to Evan. He smiles and hands me my cards. "Here you go beautiful." Oh god he is hitting on me. "Thank you." I look over at Keith and he is frowning. Why is he upset with Evan flirting with me? "Where did Charlie go?" Keith looks around and gets up. "Her and Mitchell went to her room." Stella smirks and picks a card from the deck. Keith's expression looked so angry and he stormed over to her door. Knocked really hard on the door.

Mitchell opened the door shirtless and Keith punched him. Oh shit we all get up to go over to him. "What the fuck dude?!" I look into the room and Charlotte is crying. I shove Mitchell out of the way and go over to her. "Are you okay?" I put my hand on her hand.

"What did you do to her?!" Keith grabs Mitchell and pins him against the wall. "I just took my shirt off and kissed her dude then she started to cry. I didn't do anything wrong." He puts his hands up in defense. Max walks in and calms Keith down. "Babe calm down it's probably just a misunderstanding."

I turn my attention back to Charlotte and she was holding her wrist. It was already starting to bruise. That lit a fire in me. I stood up and shoved Mitchell I don't care if he is 6 foot muscular man and I'm 5'5. I'll beat his ass for hurting her. "Why does she have bruises on her wrist!?" Mitchell was stunned he was caught and had no one on his side.

Keith grabs Mitchell by the arm and dragged him outside. "You are not welcome here anymore!" He throws him off the porch. Everyone followed even Charlotte but she was behind the rest of us. Everyone watched Keith and Mitchell get in a yelling fight but I turned my attention to Charlotte.

"Charlotte are you okay? Please look at me." She looks up with tears in her eyes. "What happened?" I put my hand on her shoulder and she starts to cry and hugs me. I had no idea what to do this girl hated me this morning and now she is crying hugging me. I put my arms around her and she sinks into them. She fits perfect in my arms she so small being 5 feet.

I hear Max yell and run outside. Mitchell punched Keith. Max grabs Keith and holds his nose because he was bleeding. I'm about to go out there to help but Charlotte held onto me tighter. She looks so scared right now. I've never seen this side of her. I look over and Evan and Baxter are now yelling at Mitchell.

Stella walked over to us and rubbed Charlotte's back. "I got her if you want to help Max with Keith." Stella takes Charlotte out of my arms and hugs her. Charlotte sniffles in her arms. "Okay I'm over there if you need me Charlotte." Stella glares at me for calling her that.

I walk over to Keith and hand him a tissue for his nose. Evan threw Mitchell's bag at him and Mitchell storms off to his car. "Is Charlie okay?" Max looks at me, he had tears running down his face. "I don't know she cried in my arms when I asked." He nods and helps Keith walk in the house. I make eye contact with Mitchell in his car and he glared at me then flipped me off. Probably pissed I caught him being abusive.


I finally calm down I'm sitting on the couch with tea that Max made for everyone. Stella was next to me rubbing my back and Keith was holding ice to his nose. "I'm sorry Keith." He looked at me and frowned. "You don't have to apologize for that asshole. You did nothing wrong." I did though I invited him, I wanted to cuddle him in my room and I'm the one who started to kiss him first. He was the one to take it far.

Everyone wanted to give us space so Max, Evan, Baxter and Loren are in the kitchen. I look over at Loren and she makes eye contact with me. She gives me a sad smile and gave me that concerned look she kept giving me all weekend.

I sigh and decide to tell them what happened. "I kissed him and he started to take it too far and pinned me to the bed and got all aggressive. If you didn't knock I don't know what he would have done." Keith looked livid I was scared never seen him so mad. "I'm gonna kill him." Max comes over and rubs Keith's back and Keith melts in his arms. They are so cute together I'm glad my brother has someone to calm him down. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" I look up and see Loren. She is so sweet why was I ever mean to her. "I'm okay now with you." Shit. "You guys." I almost let that slip I really hope she believed me. I felt so safe in her arms earlier. They all might have been fighting Mitchell but I felt like Loren was the only one protecting me.

"Why don't we eat I salvaged some food on the grill that didn't burn during all that." Max puts burgers on the table. Everyone got up and went to the table. I stayed still I don't want to move. I felt the couch dip next to me. Loren sat next to me.

"Loren go eat I'm fine." She puts her hand on my arm to comfort me. "I'm not going to eat till you eat. You need someone with you right now." I smile and put my other hand on her hand. "Thank you for everything. I couldn't get it out that he hurt me but you knew right away." Loren hugs me and my face blushes so much. I look over at Max and Keith they are giving me the thumbs up. I hate them but I appreciate them too.

"Loren can we go on a walk I need some air?" She smiles and stands up. "Of course anything you need." She has completely forgiven me for me being a bitch and seems to care about me.

We walk to the door and I look at Keith. "We are going for a walk." He nods and we walk out the door. "Charlotte?" I look at her and sigh I'm still not use to her using my full name. "Has he ever been physical with you before. Are you okay?" I shake my head nod and watch my feet when I walk. "He never even tried to touch me like that at all before. But I just found out by Keith that he was bragging about having sex with me and I need to work on myself. But I never did anything with him and why would he say that?" My eyes tear up again and Loren stops walking. "Hey it's okay don't cry. He is not worth the tears."

I nod and I walk over the dock. I sit at the end of it swing my feet off it. Loren sits a couple feet away from me. "Loren why are you being so nice to me?" She looks at the water and takes a deep breath. "Well I think you are amazing person hidden behind that mean exterior." She keeps looking at the water she won't look at me.

"You didn't have to be my friend if you don't want to be." I look down at the water and didn't even notice her get closer to me. "I want to be your friend Char." I look up and see how close we are. I look at her eyes then her lips then back up to her eyes. She definitely saw me do that.

"Cannonball!" Evan runs towards us on the dock and jumps over us into the water. Splashing us both with water. "Evan!" I stand up and see everyone else coming down with swimsuits on. "I'm sorry didn't think it would splash you guys too much." Loren laughs at me and I see I got the worst of the splash barely any water got on her. "Sorry I don't mean to laugh." She says while laughing. I smirk and push her in the water. While she was falling she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the water with her. "Loren I can't swim!" I try to keep myself afloat and I can't. I felt her arm around me and she brings me over to the dock.

"I'm so sorry I just thought since this is your lake house you knew how to swim." I get back on the dock. Keith runs over to me and pats my back. "It's fine you didn't know." I said with a little bit of anger in my voice. She definitely heard it she nods and swims over to Evan and Baxter who is now in the water. Shit I upset her. "I'm going to dry off and get dressed." I walk back to the house.

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