Chapter 7

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It was a good night we all drank, played a bunch of party games and made pizza together for dinner. I'm so happy I found my friend group here. But after the whole lake situation Charlotte has been ignoring me. I get it was scary but she must know I didn't know. Even what happened before that I get that it is awkward. Was she gonna kiss me? Why was she looking at my lips?

I laid in bed and stayed awake mostly all night replaying that in my head. I hear a knock on my door around 3 am. I'm hoping it's Charlotte so we can talk but it's Max. "Why are you up at 3 in the morning?" He walks into my room and lays on my bed. "I can be asking you the same thing I saw your light on." I lay next to him and we both look at the ceiling.

"So we all saw you guys almost kissing." I jump up and look at him. "Shit really did anyone say anything?!" Max laughs and sits up.

"Everyone was so oblivious they all were excited to go swimming. Only person who said something was Keith but he knows how you guys feel." I raise my eyebrow and Max eyes widen. "You guys? Are you saying she has feelings towards me?" Max jumps and walks quickly to the door. "I didn't say anything don't tell anyone. Both of them would kill me." He slips out of my room.

This girl drives me crazy in many ways. She just hated me, then wanted to be friends, and now she has feelings towards me. All in two weeks.


I wake up to laughter in the kitchen. "Ughhh I don't want to get up." I throw my pillow on my face. This is a knock at my door and mumble come in through the pillow. I can't believe anyone could have hear it. The door opens Charlotte is stands in the doorway. "Loren are you okay it's 11 am. Everyone is wondering if you are sick." I sigh and sit up.

"I'm okay just didn't get any sleep last night a lot on my mind. Tell everyone I'll be out in a minute I'm going to get dressed." She nods and walks out. Is she still upset with me? Damn I feel bad but I don't know how to make it up to her.


"She is getting dressed now she said she didn't get any sleep last night." I walk into the living room where everyone is. Max smiles and nudges Keith. I look at him with a confused look. "So what are we doing today?" Loren walks in right behind me. I sit down on the couch next to Stella. Stella looks at me and nudges my side. "What's wrong?" She whispers. "It's nothing." She nods and lets it slide for now.

"Well it's raining for a couple hours so we can drink and play games. Later when the rain clears up we can go swimming and tonight we got a surprise for you guys." Keith speaks up and gets up to get a drink in the kitchen. "Keith it's only 11 are you already drinking?!"

"It's our weekend we can do whatever we want." He pours a cup of whiskey. Loren walks over to him. "Pour me a cup too." I look at her concerned is she okay she seems upset. Did I hurt her feelings yesterday? I walk over them and lean against the counter. "Loren can we talk?" She looks at me and nods. She looks upset I grab her hand and bring her on the porch.

We sit on the porch swing and watch the rain fall. "Are you okay I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings yesterday." She looks up at me and takes a sigh of relief. "You didn't hurt my feelings. I thought you were the one that was upset with me."

"I was never upset with you. I was scared and didn't know how react." I put my hand on her hand. She looks at my hand and frowns. Why is she frowning? "Charlotte do you have feelings for me or am I reading things wrong?" My eyes widen and I take my hand away. Oh god how does she know. My breath gets heavy and I stare at my feet. "Charlie are you okay?" My hands are shaking and I feel like I can't breathe. She jumps up and kneels in front of me.

"Hey you are having an anxiety attack I need you to take a deep breath with me." She puts her hand on my face. I look into her eyes and take a deep breath with her.

It took me a couple minutes but I'm finally calming down. She sat in front of me the whole time calming me down. "Charlotte I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause you to have an attack." I shake my head no and put my hand on her hand that's resting on my leg. "I just haven't figured everything out myself so when you said it I freaked out because I'm scared I've never felt this way for a girl." I look at her hand drawing circles on my hand.

"Charlotte take your time okay. Just know I have feelings for you." It shocked me what she said. How does this girl like me? Like I'm not the best person. My eyes tear up and I look down to hide it. She lifts my head with her hand under my chin. "It's okay. We are friends and that won't change if you don't want it to." I nod and jump in her arms for a hug. We sit on the floor hugging.

We sat there for a while after that we went back inside ate lunch with everyone and played some board games waiting for the rain to go away. Loren kept looking at me to make sure I was okay. She is really so sweet. Evan keeps trying to flirt with her but she ignores him and kept giving me her attention.

"Let's play never have I ever!" Max yells. "Isn't that game for kids?" I ask him and he laughs. "We are still kids we are 17 and 18." I shrug and sit on the couch in between Stella and Loren. "I'll go first." Stella says and thinks about what she wants to say.

"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping." She drinks herself which is not point of the game and Keith, Max and Loren drink too. Oh god this game is going to kill me.

Loren speaks up and asks her question. "Never have I ever liked a friend." She did that on purpose. She drank, Keith and Max obviously because they were friends before, Stella did she likes Baxter and Baxter drank too. I take a deep breath and drink. Stella gives me a confused look and Loren smiles.

We played a couple more rounds we were all losers at the end because we are all drunk. I look out the window and the rain stopped. "The rained stopped let's go to the beach!" Everyone cheered and went to change into swimwear. I put my bikini on so I can tan. I'm not touching the water after yesterday.

Loren walked out in her swimsuit and I turned so red. Stella walked up to me and put her hand on my forehead. "Are you okay you are all red?" I nod yes and quickly walk to the door.

"Char did you guys talk about how you felt earlier?" He said it so loud probably because he is drunk. I cover his mouth and drag him outside. "Shut up I don't want any one knowing!" I whisper yell at him and walk to the beach. I'm so done with this weekend I just want to go home.

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