Chapter 10

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The sun beats down on me while I sunbath by the pool. Basically everyone that is a member in this club was at the pool today so I'm lucky I got a chair.

It was so busy that they had some of the waiters from the restaurant wait table by the pool. I keep making eye contact with Loren she blushes every time she looks at me. I wave her over to me. "Loren come here!" She gives Evan and his friends their drinks. Evan whispered something in her ear and she upset by it. She walked away from him and sits at the end of my lounge chair.

"Your cousin is so gross he keeps hitting on me and making me feel like an object." That pissed me off he needs to respect her and treat her like a queen. "What did he say are you okay?" She sighed and holds the bridge of her nose. "That I should wear a skirt instead of pants so he can stare at my ass." I sat up quick and glared at Evan. "Are you kidding me?" I stand up and storm over to Evan.

"You better watch your mouth and treat Loren with respect!" I point my finger into his chest. He looked at me terrified and I turn on my heels and flipped my hair. Loren looks at me with her jaw dropped. I walk back over to her and smile.

"If he talks like that to you again tell me." She nods and looks down trying to hide that her face was bright red. "Hey babe looking hot." I roll my eyes when I hear Mitchell's voice. He walks up to us and looks at Loren. "Don't you have to waiting tables or something?" He looks at her with disgust on his face.

"Don't be a dick Mitch I asked her to come over here." He glared at me and made me flinch. Loren grabs my arm and makes me stand up with her. "Char why don't we go look at the menus at the bar so you know what you want to order and I'll bring it out to you." She saw me flinch and instantly got protective of me.

We walked away and Mitchell yelled over to me to get him a burger and he sits on my chair. "Are you okay Charlotte?" We got over to the bar but she was still had her arm hooked to mine. "I'm okay just worried about talking to him about the lake house. It's been 2 weeks and I thought things would calm down but he has gotten more aggressive lately." She looked worried and I looked into her ocean blue eyes. "Don't worry he hasn't put his hands on me since then." That didn't calm her down she was still worried.

"Charlotte just be careful please if things ever get physical call me right away." She hands me a piece of paper with her number on it. "I will and did you just have your number ready to give me." She blushes and puts her hands in her pockets. "I've been waiting for the right time to give it to you." She is so cute, she makes it so hard not to like her.


By the time I finished my shift it was 8pm and the sun was setting. I drag my feet to my car. I'm so tired I could sleep for days. Wearing my uniform in the hot sun killed me. Once I sat in my driver seat I got a text.
Unknown: Hey Loren it's Charlie I forgot I didn't give you my number so here you go :)

How did I ever think she was a bitch she is so cute and sweet. I sat there for a whole 5 minutes trying to figure out what to say back.

Loren: How are you doing after what happened earlier didn't get to talk to you much
Charlotte: I'm okay I appreciate you asking and I'm going to Mitchell's tomorrow to talk about the lake house wish me luck
Loren: I mean it when I said call me if he tries to get physical with you
Charlotte: Thank you I will but I think everything will be okay he loves me and if I tell him if he wants me in his life to not hurt me again

I sigh and lean my head back on my driver seat. I really hope that's true and he doesn't hurt her or use her she deserves better.

Loren: Good luck I got to drive home now so I will talk to you later
Charlotte: Omg are you still at the club I'm sorry drive safe

I drove home and went straight to bed. But the thing is I was so tired but couldn't sleep. I'm so worried he is going to hurt her. Should I talk to Keith or Max and warn them she is going to talk to him? Would that betray her trust? By the time I started to fall asleep my alarm clock went off.

"Are you kidding me it's already 6?!" I snooze my clock and put my pillow on my face. I have to work in 2 hours and I'm running on no sleep. I grab my phone off the charger and call my manager.

"Hey Sharon I can't make it to my shift today I'm sick." I hear a sigh on the other side of the phone. "Okay thank you for telling me feel better." I lay back down on my pillow and passed out.

I wake up to my phone dinging a bunch. I wasn't going to answer whoever was texting me but I decided to see who it was.
Charlotte: Loren can you pick me up I'm at Mitchell's house?
Loren: Send me your location I'm on my way now.
Charlotte has shared her location.
Charlotte:Please hurry.

I jump out of my bed so quick. I throw some pants on and my leather jacket. I grabbed my keys and ran down the stairs. "Woah why are you in a rush?" My mom was sitting on the couch with a mug in her hand. "I'll tell you later I have to go." I jump in my car and drive as fast as I can to his house. He better have not touched her. Please be okay Charlotte.

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