Chapter 16

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I didn't end up sleeping on the cot at all, I ended up falling asleep cuddling Loren. I woke up with my head on her chest. I look up and she was peacefully sleeping. She is so beautiful I won't let anyone hurt her again. She stirred in her sleep and her blue eyes meet my brown eyes.

"Good morning gorgeous." I blush and hide my face in her neck. She lifted my face with her finger under my chin. "Hey don't hide." She pecks my lips and smiles big. "I'm nervous my mom wants to talk to me today." Her smiles falls a little and holds my cheek in her hand.

"It's okay your mom sounds really understanding and if she isn't that's okay you still have your dad, Keith, Max and especially me." I smile and give her a big kiss. "Thank you beautiful." Now she was the one blushing and hiding her face with her hands.

We ended up cuddling for another hour till I got a text from my mom saying she will be here around lunch time. "Shit why am I so nervous? She is supportive about Keith." Loren rubs my back and pulls me into a hug.

"Because it's not about him it's about you and it's scary to come out. I was so scared to come out to my mom but I did and she threw me a coming out party. She is so extra but it made my fear fly out the window."  I laugh at the fact that her mom did that. "Oh god I hope my mom doesn't do that." She rolls her eyes and laughs. "I don't think your mom is crazy like mine."

She always knows how to cheer me up. I can't believe 2 months ago I despised this girl but now I'm in love with her.

I met my mom in the cafeteria, I told Loren I need to tell her on my own. Plus she needs to rest she is still healing and doesn't need any stress.

"So honey what's wrong you looked so upset yesterday?" I made sure to sit in a booth away from people in the corner because I'm not ready for everyone else to know yet. "Mom I need to tell you something but I'm really scared to tell you. Just know I'm still the Charlie you know and I haven't changed."

She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Please don't tell me you are back with Mitchell. Especially after what he did to your friend." That shocked me why would she think that? I've been a mess for the past couple weeks about Loren being hurt.

"Of course not I hate his guts he hurt Loren and myself and he is dead to me!" Her eyes widen and lean back in her seat. "Oh I'm sorry for assuming that. What's wrong then honey?" I take a deep breath and stared at my turkey sandwich I got.

"I like Loren I don't know if that means I'm a lesbian or bisexual but all I know is that I would do anything for her and I'm falling in love with her." My words came out so fast I don't know if she understood anything I said.

She sat there and stared at me. I couldn't tell her expression it was just blank. "Please say something." I beg her because the silence was killing me. "You just met her." Crap she doesn't support me I knew it. Tears well up in my eyes and I rub my hands on my thighs.

"I know it was quick but she makes me feel loved and she actually cares about me unlike past relationships I've had. I'm so sorry Mama that I'm not what you want me to be." Tears fall down my face and my mom put her hand out on the table.

"Oh no honey I'm so sorry I was just processing everything. Charlie you are what I want you to be, you are happy and that's all I can ask. I hated how unhappy you were with Mitchel and I see in the last 2 and half months you have known Loren you have been the happiest you have ever been."

I wipe my tears and smile at her. "I am really happy with her and I can't imagine my life without her." My mom smiled and handled me a tissue out of her purse. "I'm sorry I made you cry sweetie. Just didn't expect you telling me you have a girlfriend." My eyes widen and she gave me a confused look.

"With everything going on I forgot to ask her if we are dating. Like it feels like we are couple but we haven't confirmed anything yet." I put my head in my hands and rub my temples. "I can't lose her again."

I felt the booth shift next to me. My mom rubs my back and hugs me. "If she is how amazing you describe her I think she would so happy to be with you." I look up at my mom and she had a smile on her face.

"Thanks mom I was so scared to tell you but talking to you is something I really needed." I pull her into a big hug. "Don't ever be scared to tell me anything I'll support you no matter what honey." It feels like a huge weight fell off my shoulders.

When I got back upstairs Loren was asleep and I couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she is. I tiptop over to my cot and pulled out my laptop to watch something. Once I found a show to watch on Netflix I heard Loren whimper in her sleep.

I get up quick and sit on the edge of her bed. "Hey Lor wake up you are having a nightmare." I shake her shoulder gently and she jumped up gasping for air. "Hey it's okay you are safe I'm here." Once her eyes met mine she started to cry.

"I thought I lost you!" She cried out and threw her arms around my neck. I rubbed circles on her back and kiss her forehead. "Hey you didn't lose me I'm right here. Whatever you dreamt it's not real."

She cried into my shoulder for 5 minutes once she finally calmed down she put her hand on my face. "Charlotte even though it's only been a short time of knowing you I can't imagine my life without you. Would you want to be my girlfriend?"

My eyes widen and my heart did a backflip. "Damn you beat me to it I was going to ask you out later today." I laugh and she smiled with a concerned look she always gives me. "Is that a yes?"

I giggle at her not getting what I was saying. "Of course you goof I would love to be your girlfriend!" I kiss her lips and felt the happiest I've been in a long time.


The past 5 days has were tiring doing all intensive test to make sure I was okay but finally I'm home in my own bed. I loved having Charlotte with me the whole time. She spent the whole 5 days with me she never slept on the cot her dad brought she shared my bed with me.

I felt so safe at the hospital with her but now we are both home and Mitchell is still out there the cops still haven't found him and I'm so scared he is going to come for us. I'm still healing but I know if he touches a hair on Charlotte's head I'll kill him.

I was such in thought that I jumped when I heard my phone ring. I answer and her my girlfriend's voice. "Hey Lor I have a favor to ask?"

"What's up love?" I hear her giggle at the nickname I call her. "Keith's birthday is this weekend and I was wondering if you can help me find him a present at the mall tomorrow? If you are up for it I don't want you overdoing it." I hear her voice panic and I lifted my shirt and looked at my wound.

They took out my stitches when I left the hospital but I still have to be careful even though my wound is closed. "Hey I should be okay baby to come with you but the only problem is convincing my mom I'm okay to go."

She sighs on the other side of the phone. "You would think since your mom is a doctor she would know that you are healing and that you can do things now."

"I know love but she is a mom first and I am her only child. I'll call her and ask." She sighed again, I just wish I can be there with her and reassure her that everything is okay. "Hey love I know you think my mom blames you but she doesn't she blames that asshole who did this to me. Don't worry I'll convince her."

"I know I know it's just she always gives me angry glares and was so upset that I was staying with you at the hospital. She hates me."

"I don't think she hates you, I think she just doesn't want to see me hurt again." I frown at the thought of my mom hating Charlotte.

"I would never hurt you! I promise you I will always protect you!" Charlotte said in a confident tone. "I know you won't and you are such a softy for me." I laugh at her being a goofball. "I am not a softy! Don't tell people that you are going to ruin my reputation."

"I won't I don't want anyone trying to steal my big softy." I hear her laugh and her laugh makes smile so big. I love her laugh it's like music to my ears. "I'm only a softy to you, but I'm going to be bossy now and tell you to go get some rest so you will be well rested for tomorrow."

"Okay my love I'll get some rest. I will talk to you later hot stuff ." She was silent and I knew it's because she is flustered she is still not use to me flirting with her. "Okay sweetheart call me later." She hung up and I laugh on how I make her so flustered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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