EPILOGUE; krystal

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"i forget if i ever loved anyone else
i'm a mess and i'll never love anyone else
i'm obsessed and i'll never love anyone else
i forget if i ever loved anyone else"


y/n's pov

I woke up when I was being wheeled out of the theater on a stretcher. It was like a weird sense of deja vu.

I was alone. I couldn't see my friends and I felt horrible.

"Y/N!" Sam and Tara were soon by my sides and I smiled struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Hey, guys." I grinned, lowering my oxygen mask a little bit. "I feel like I might throw up."

The two sisters laughed.

I sighed and leaned back, my eyes shutting for a moment. "Did I die for a second or something?"

"No, you just passed out." Sam smiled until Tara started sniffling.

"What's wrong?" I asked, coughing slightly.

"It's just... Chad." She cried and I remembered.

"Hey, we got another one here!" A voice yelled and we all looked over to see Chad being wheeled on a stretcher with an oxygen mask of his own on.

"Chad!" I smiled and Tara ran over.

"Oh, my God."

"Chad! Chad!"

I wanted to run over with them, but I was lucky to have the ambulance they were taking me to right beside the one they were taking Chad to.

"How are you alive?" Sam asked Chad and he lifted his hand to make a five.

"Thriving fucking five." Tara shook her head and pulled off his oxygen mask to kiss him.

I smiled and as she put his oxygen mask back on, I waved to him.

I could see him smile under his mask as he attempted to wave back.

"Oh, my God!" Mindy's voice exclaimed from behind Sam and Tara and she ran up to us. "Are you guys okay? I know who the killer is! It's Ethan and Bailey."

At Ethan's name, my smile dropped.

"And Quinn." Sam told Mindy.

"And Quinn? Fuck!" Mindy groaned. "Did I miss the monologue again? Are you okay? Are you okay? You don't look okay? Is Y/N okay?"

They started leading Chad into his ambulance and Mindy went with him.

"Oh, my God, we all survived. It's a twist on a twist. They gave me a lot of drugs by the way. You guys should get some of these drugs."

Then I was wheeled to my own separate ambulance. Alone.

Chad and Mindy had each other, Sam and Tara had each other, and I had no one.

I used to have Wes, but he was gone. Then I had Ethan, and that ended worse than it did with Wes.

I kinda just wished I had died.

The entire ambulance ride was lonely and uncomfortably quiet.

Nothing in my life had been so lonely in a while.

In the hospital I had to go through surgery to stitch up my wounds properly, and give me more blood. I had apparently lost a worrying amount.

Then, after that, I was taken to a hospital room on my own. I was alone again.

HAPPINESS IS A BUTTERFLY; ethan landry x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now