chapter 6

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                     KIARA POV

I glared at Jon who looked at me innocently. Now he is trying to act innocent.

" You know I have to cut your sister's hair now right?" Jon smiled before nodding negatively.

" She looks better like this" he gestured his hands towards Iris's hair.

" Mama, what am I gonna do" Iris cried out not taking her eyes off her chopped-off hair that was with me.

These kids should just kill meIris'is hair was very beautiful, she has this natural curly hair and it was so easy to style.

" Why did you cut her hair?" I asked really pissed now. Jon frowned before pointing at Iris.

" She said I should cut it" Iris gasped.

" No that's a lie, you said you wanted to help me style my hair, and now it's ruined"

" It's not my fault though" I rolled my eyes then turned to Jon.

" Why did you cut her hair?" I asked sternly.

" Okay fine fine, Dylan said he likes Iris's hair, so why should he like my sister's hair? I am the only one that gets to like her hair and play with It nobody else so I had no choice". He confessed. It was kind of cute but also selfish.

Iris burst into a loud cry.

" You don't get to decide for your sister Jon" I warned before carrying Iris who was whaling so loudly.

" You cry like a whale" I gave Jon a deadly glare.

" Apologize now". Jon frowned.

" Sorry golden child" he mocked then burst into laughter. This boy was such a headache.

I had to take Iris to the salon that night, all thanks to Jon.

~~~ NEXT DAY~~~

" Don't even think of causing any trouble today" I warned Jon who carried a naughty smile. I looked at Iris who had a pout on her lips.

" Take care of her" I kissed their cheeks.

" Bye Mom, mama" they both chorused before rushing inside their school.

Okay now I have to wait for that man, we planned to meet each other today, at least I get to meet the man who has been seeing my daughter without my permission.

I sat on the waiting chair patiently waiting for the guy, it wasn't that late though, I brought my kids Early to school so he was probably still coming.

My phone chimed and I quickly brought it out to check the message.

" Are you there?". Of course, I was.

"Yeah, sitting in the waiting area".

" Okay," I read the last reply before looking if anybody was coming yet. I saw a man walking towards me, ah finally.

I stood up ready to greet him, I was disappointed when he walked towards someone else. Maybe if this guy had sent me his picture, I would have known who I was going to meet. What if he was a serial killer? Oh my God.

" Where are you?" I texted. I read the message over and over again.

Damn, answer the fucking message, I have work. Only if I still got one though.

I jolted up in shock when I saw that face again.  What the fuck is Jarden doing in a school? Is this guy following me? I quickly ran out of the school from the back entrance.

Falling for my Stepbrother {silent secret} 2Where stories live. Discover now