And it begins

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*Time skip to the day of the train*

"JAMSEY-POO!" I ran frantically around the house looking for my brother. With only five minutes left to go and he was no where to be found.

"CARTER-POO!" As I ran around a corner we collided and fell on our butts. "oww..." James trailed off while the same feeling courses through me.

"Hey, what was that for? Where have you been anyways? I've been looking for you!" We shouted simultaneously before we laughed and helped each other up.

"Guys! Come on you don't want to miss the train!" My moms voice echoed up to us and we sprinted to the car. This is going to be a great year, I can tell.

After we finally got to the station we began searching for platforms nine and ten.

"Who came up with this idea? Seriously though were the founders all sitting down for lunch discussing how we're gonna get there and Salazar comes up with a great idea like 'oh hey! Just make them fear for their lives by running through a wall!' Really?!" I rambled on while my mum and dad laughed. "I'm being serious!" She laughed some more while James nodded along.

When we finally found the platforms it was already 10:58. Knowing that the train leaves at 11 we were sprinting to the wall....from about ten meters away.
We ran with ease through the barrier before something went terribly wrong.

As we got to the other side, one of the squeaky old wheels on my trolley froze up. I could feel myself panic as the trolley fell onto its side and I went flying through the air. I closed my eyes afraid of my body meeting the cold, hard ground but the hard impact never came. infact the ground was kinda... comfy? I slowly blinked open my eyes only to laugh at what I saw. Lying underneath me was a highly flustered Remus Lupin.

After a second he recognized me and began laughing, "We have to stop meeting like this." He stood up, brushed off his pants and held out a hand.

"Are you telling me you don't like being plowed over as a hello?" I took his hand as he helped me up and we both laughed again.

He was about to respond when another voice shouted through the crowd. "CARTER?" I could see James jumping up to see through the crowd a little bit away. "CATE?" We made eye contact and he rushed over.

"James! This is Remy! Remy, this is my brother James!" I smiled as they shook hands and Remus 'properly' introduced himself. Fools. All of them. The whistle sounded and we rushed to give our parents a final hug before filing onto the train.

About a minute later the train took off and the three of us still couldn't find a place to sit. When we reached the end of the corridor we found a compartment with only one passenger.

"Excuse me? Do you mind if-" I cut my sentence short as the kind turned his head, "SIRI!"

Sirius chuckle, "Come on in babe." He smirked, I laughed, James glared, and Remus looked highly surprised. This only made me laugh more.

After we settled in with James next to Sirius and me sitting next to Remus, across from Sirius the jokes started coming. We curled into balls laughing hard and getting to know eachother. We even had another passenger in our compartment come in named Peter, although he was quiet he seemed nice. The whole situation seemed nice. This year is going to be a blast.

If you had to choose *marauder love story*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang