Progress All The Same

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Years flew by. Years of smiles, hugs, and laughter. Years of little pranks and bickers with the snakes. 3 years of bad flirting and careful gestures.

I sit in the empty compartment of the train leaning against the wall with my feet out in front of me and my eyes closed. My oversized sweater and beaten up leather jacket that James got me for my 12th birthday just enough to keep me warm.

I have no idea where the boys were (James and Sirius had spent the last week of vacation at Remus' home while I had to visit a crude aunt in America.) I knew they'd find me, this is our very own compartment and everyone knew it.

Over the years we had gained a nickname throughout the school. The 'marauders' ruled the place and were known for their big egos and casual jokes. I don't know how it all happened really, if you take any of us and put them on their own, they're nothing special. It's when we're together that the magic happens.

I can feel myself smile as I think about all the things that have happened in the past few years. That same smile grows bigger as my headphones are ripped out of my ears and an overley confident dork takes a seat on my lap.

He pushes his curls out of his eyes and looks at me, "Come here often?"

Sirius laughs at himself before being pushed to the ground by James, "Keep your paws off my sister."

Remus strides in next, the same friendly smile he's always had, on his face as he gives me a wave. I shift my pile off books off my lap and onto the seat as I stand up.

Peter comes in slowely and pushes a greasy clump of hair from his face. His crooked-tooth smile also in place.

The five of us circle up in to a silly group hug, "I missed you idiots." I step back and look up at everyone's faces. James' glasses stood crooked on his face and Sirius' curls cover his dark eyes. Remus' collection of scars has grown, the same as Peters acne. All was in place. I was with my family again.

Everyone falls back down into their mentally assigned seats, "So you guys excited to get a look at the new meat?" As a miscivous look in James' eyes shines, Remus reaches over and hits him on the head with one of his new reads.

I lean over to get a look at what he's got but he opens before I can read the title, "Whatcha reading, Remy?"

"A Shakespeare classic, Romeo and Juliet," he looks up at me and continues, "it's terribly sad but beautiful really"

Sirius laughs, "Shakespeare. What a fake. You know, the only reason his plays were so popular was because he used magic on the props!"

"Or it's cause he had great skill and could really write smoother than you can slide into girls pants"

I got a 'shut up' from Siri and a laugh from everyone else.

Halfway through the ride we were all in a deep snoring slumber, using each other as pillows until we were startled awake by a door slamming open, "Oi! Losers!"

"Damnit Malfoy you inturupted my dream of you dancing with the giant squid in a speedo!" Sirius hangs his head low and Lucius scowels.

James smirks, "Hang on there, Sirius who was it in the speedo? The squid or the grease ball?!"

By this point you could practicly see the steam coming out of Malfoy's ears but of course they carried on, "You know, James, I'm pretty sure it was the squid but they look to much alike!" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Siri and James were being pinned against the wall by one of malfoys creepy followers.

This year will be its own.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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