Chapter 16: Dealing with traitors and *EPILOGUE*

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Chapter 16: Loki's POV*

We were standing in the clearing now and I was provoking Stigr in the the hopes that he'd let go of Nessa. She had ignored my gaze when I arrived but waved to Odin and Thor, I'll admit I was a bit upset to see her ignoring me but I did get her into this situation and now it was my responsibility to get her out of it.

Stigr by the end had, had enough and he did let go of Nessa but not in the way I was hoping. He threw her off the cliff into the icy waters below. We were all shocked and angry, "NESSA!" screamed Thor.

Meanwhile Stigr so badly wanted to see her end so he turned to face the cliff and watched her fall. Bad mistake. For I had snuck up behind him and speared him through the chest.

I didn't know if it would kill him but immense pain would do him good. He fell to the ground as I pulled my sceptre out. I looked over the cliff but couldn't see Nessa and I knew that it was too late.

"NOOOOOO!" I girlish voice shrieked, I looked back behind me to see Huld's tear streaked face through the trees. She ran past all of us and surprisingly crouched down beside Stigr and wept. I was still standing near his fallen body and had heard her say "I will miss you my Love." 'Love? As in Stigr's love?' I thought, I saw the connection now.

'Huld never liked Nessa ans she had made that very clear for a while before hardly anyone saw her because she was laying low. Then she was seen more during the time of Nessa's captivity she had all the signs why had we not seen it before?' Showing no mercy I grabbed her off the floor by her hair and dragged her to the others.

"This is your traitor." I said as I threw her to the ground in front of Odin, "Do with her what you think just" I then stormed off into the forest and started walking back towards the palace, I could hear a painful scream in the distance and knew that Huld had been dealt with, but that still didn't change the fact that Nessa was dead, usually you would get several beatings before the sentenced you to death for committing a crime like that. But we all knew that it would change nothing to see Huld go through pain cause really, she would still be alive, but Nessa dead.

I wondered in the forest for another half hour until I decided it was time to go home. I had arrived at the palace and could just feel the life being sucked out of the palace. I didn't bother looking for Thor and Odin knowing that they wouldn't be in the mood to talk so I just went upto my room and got into bed hoping that my dreams may not be filled with nightmares of this day.



Everything was still black but there was a slightly more alive feeling here than the depths of the sea. There was a faint ringing in my ears and I thought I could hear someone calling out to me but I couldn't exactly tell. I could feel a lot of pressure on my chest but I couldn't figure out what it was.

Then i could feel something traveling up through my body an before I knew it I was turned on my side and was coughing up water. After my little coughing fit I was turned back on my back. The coughing fit had brought me back to reality and the ringing in my ears had dimmed down and I could then hear someone calling out to me.

I opened my eyes to see the figure of a man over me, he was shaking me and saying something but I couldn't understand exactly what, then my body fell weak ad the darkness came over me again.


Hey guys,

Wow this was a really fast update I'm home sick in bed an had nothing better to do so I quickly wrote this chapter, your welcome.

Ok I put the last chapter and epilogue together simply because they are both extremely short.

Poor Loki though right? He's so sad and upset. But wait what is this? What is happening to Nessa? Well to put it simply SHE'S ALIVE! Yes Nessa had miraculously lived through the fall because simply she is a God and had quickly been swept onto the beach. So yay for Nessa.

But who is the man that saved her life? You will find out in the sequel to TSLNO of which I don't have a name for yet but, am very excited about it. It will involve the characters shown in this book with some more so get ready for that but it won't be up until a few weeks so that I have time to hopefully write a few chapters get all my ideas sorted and stuff like that.

And good news for all those who love a Loki love story it will have romance. But I need a ship name for Loki and Nessa either Noki or Lessa choose your pick of what you like and comment the name below. I personally like Noki better because Lessa would sound like Lisa and that's a girls name.

So yeah comment your preferred ship name you thoughts and opinions on the books cause this is the last time you'll be getting updates for TSLNO.

I idly enough an not that sad it's over 'cause that means I get to make a sequel but it is slightly upsetting knowing this is the end of TSLNO.




'Till we meet again.

Bye guy-K

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