1. City Dawn

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Nova POV

I absolutely loved having my own little nest in New York, while my parents enjoyed their peaceful countryside life. Growing up in the serene countryside, my parents were like my creative cheerleaders, encouraging my earliest drawings and every other burst of creativity. Their peaceful life instilled in me a love for simplicity and the arts. Now, in my cozy New York apartment, getting lost in the artistic roots of my childhood.

Whispering to myself, I'd say, "Every brushstroke tells a story," while my fingers danced on the canvas. The colors and shapes on the canvas had their own party as I dozed off, high-fiving my dreams.

The morning sun paints my room in a warm glow, acting as my personal wake-up call. Coffee, my morning superhero, kicks in to gear me up for the day. Ready to unleash my inner cooking wizard, I feel like I'm about to cast some seriously tasty spells in the kitchen.

Humming along to my favorite tunes, I do a little kitchen boogie while chopping veggies. The sizzling sounds in the pan transform my apartment into a culinary carnival. Seated at my petite dining table, I can't help but feel like a culinary genius – Gordon Ramsay would probably give me a high-five!

After wrapping up a delightful breakfast – or, well, leaving it hanging in the pursuit of creativity – my attention was drawn to a blank canvas. It was giving me those irresistible puppy eyes, and naturally, I couldn't resist its artistic charm. With a skip in my step and creative juices flowing, I dived into painting, each stroke becoming a mini celebration of feelings and dreams.

Just as I was losing myself in a world of colors, my phone beeped. Lo and behold, a message from a dance studio offering free salsa dance lessons! You can imagine the excitement because, truth be told, I'd signed up for various dance classes to explore different styles. This salsa opportunity seemed like the perfect match. I hastily applied online, and to my joy, they messaged back promptly. The prospect of learning something new had me even more thrilled.

So, there I was, a breakfast left unfinished, a painting still in progress, and a message from the dance studio adding a rhythm to my day. Life's surprises and dancing cars could wait – salsa moves were calling, and I was ready to answer!

After losing myself in the colorful world of painting, I was unable to ignore the growing mess in my art room or the smell of breakfast lingering in the kitchen. Donning my superhero cape, I set out on a cleaning frenzy, determined to maintain both my creative haven and living space tidy. The paints and brushes were put away, and order returned to the kitchen.

Satisfied with my accomplishment, I exchanged my paint-stained clothes for something new. I decided to wear
a cute, flowy skirt adorned with a playful floral pattern, paired with a cute white lace top that radiated positivity .

 I decided to wear a cute, flowy skirt adorned with a playful floral pattern, paired with a cute white lace top that radiated positivity

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With my art room and kitchen sparkling, and feeling fab in my cute outfit, I headed towards the door. After meticulously locking it not once but twice – a result of my paranoid habit – I walked towards the lift.

As I stepped into the lift, the doors slid open on another floor, revealing Mrs. Willam, my delightful neighbor and friend. With a warm smile, she greeted me, "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite art enthusiast! How's the Picasso of our building today?"

Laughing, I replied, "Oh, Mrs. Willam, you flatter me! I'm just trying not to trip over my own paintbrushes. How about you, the Queen of Green Thumbs, any new gardening triumphs today?"

She chuckled, "Oh, you know me and my rebellious plants. They refuse to obey my gardening rules!" We continued to share a lighthearted banter, teasing each other with playful names like "Master of Canvas Chaos" and "Guru of Greenery."

Amidst the laughter, Mrs. Willam, with a sly twinkle in her eye, casually inquired, "So, dear, any special someone keeping the art room lively these days? Or is it still just you and your paintbrushes?"

Surprised, I grinned, "Oh, Mrs. Willam, you're again trying to play matchmaker, aren't you? Well, my art room might be a bit lonely, but I think it's okay for now."

We shared a chuckle, the lift doors opening to the ground floor. As we exited, Mrs. Willam gave me a playful wink, "Well, you just let me know if you change your mind, dear. There's a whole world out there beyond those paintbrushes!"

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