7. Love notes

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Asther's POV

Arriving at Stars for dinner, the warm ambiance and Leo's infectious laughter greeted me. We settled into a corner table, the city's twinkling lights providing the perfect backdrop for our long-overdue catch-up.

Leo shared more about the success of "Stellar Radiance," the gem collection that had become a sensation. His eyes sparkled with passion as he spoke, and I couldn't help but admire how far he had come since our school days.

Amidst the laughter and reminiscing, Leo suggested we explore a new dessert place that had opened nearby.

As we devoured our dessert , Leo's eyes twinkled mischievously, and he leaned in with a conspiratorial grin and said  "You know, Asther, love is like the secret ingredient in a perfect dish. You can't always see it, but it's what makes everything taste better."

I rolled my eyes, skeptical as always. "Come on, Leo. You and your love theories. It's all a bit too mushy for my taste."

Leo chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "Just hear me out, buddy. I used to be on your wavelength, but then I met Emma."

I raised an eyebrow. "Emma? Who's Emma?"

Leo's face lit up as he shared stories about his girlfriend. He spoke of shared dreams, silly arguments, and the warmth of having someone who understood him.

"Asther, when you find the right one, it's like discovering the missing piece of a puzzle. Suddenly, things that seemed nonsense start making sense."he said.

I scoffed, not entirely convinced. "Love making sense? That sounds like a fairy tale."

Leo leaned back, his eyes serious yet filled with warmth. "Trust me, my man. When it happens, you'll feel it. It's like meeting someone and thinking, 'Ah, there you are. I've been waiting for you.'"

As we left the restaurant and strolled through the city, Leo's words lingered in my mind. For a moment, I found myself thinking about the girl with the brown hair. Her playful demeanor, the connection I felt - it was like a tiny spark.

But, quickly shaking off such thoughts, I teased Leo, "So, when do I get my 'ah, there you are' moment?"

Leo grinned, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "It'll happen when you least expect it, Asther. Just embrace the unexpected, and love might surprise you."

After Leo's love wisdom, we decided to extend our city stroll. The night air was crisp, and the city had a different charm under the glow of streetlights.

As we walked, I couldn't shake off the idea of Leo's "missing puzzle piece." The image of the girl with the brown hair, her playful spirit, lingered in my thoughts like an unopened chapter.

Leo, always attuned to my musings, nudged me with a playful grin. "Deep in thought, Asther? Planning the next architectural masterpiece or perhaps contemplating the mysteries of love?"

I chuckled, deflecting the topic. "Oh, you know me, Leo. Always lost in my own world."

Leo, however, wasn't one to let things slide. "Seriously, though. Have you ever thought about what might make your heart skip a beat?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "I prefer buildings over heartbeats. They're more predictable."

Leo laughed. "You're a tough nut to crack, my friend. But remember, love often happens when you least expect it."

I didn't responded to him and after this night concluded with a promise to have more of these spontaneous adventures.

As I returned to my penthouse, I couldn't help but ponder Leo's words. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to this love stuff than I gave it credit for.

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