11. Cozy Reflections

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Nova's POV

Walking into the apartment building, a wave of emotions surged through me, still riding high from the day's unexpected turn of events. I couldn't believe it – I had won an unexpected poll and secured a collaboration with one of the biggest architecture and interior designing firms. "Pinch me, is this real?" I whispered to myself, a mix of disbelief and sheer joy dancing in my voice.

Unlocking my apartment door on my floor felt like stepping into a peaceful place. Memories of the day with Asther came rushing back – his laughter, our talks, and the tasty meal we enjoyed. It made my place feel cozy and comforting, like a quiet haven.

Sitting on the couch, I traced my fingertips along the edge of my phone, contemplating whether to text him and ask if he reached home or not, but then I decided to let it be. He might have gone to bed, and I didn't want to disturb him.

Changing into comfy clothes, I sank into a chair by the window. I watched the city below, lost in thought. I couldn't shake off the happiness that lingered within me. The nickname he playfully used, the thoughtful gestures, and the genuine interest he showed in my art, oh my god I don't remember when I was so happy and excited for something!

I find myself wondering if he's the one Mrs. William was talking about. Could he be the soulmate I've always wished for? Oh, maybe I'm just overthinking. Considering our collaboration now, what if he turns out to be my boss? Dating my boss would be quite awkward.

"Oh my goodness, am I thinking about dating him?" I blushed to myself. After a while, I went to sleep, thinking about the time we spent together. It's all so new to me, like exploring something completely different.


The sun gently woke me up, its warm rays streaming through the curtains. After a refreshing shower, I settled down with a cup of coffee, ready to tackle the day. Just as I was about to dive into a new project, my phone rang, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hello, this is Nova," I answered, curious about the unexpected call.

"Hi Nova, it's Elsa from Kingsley Design," her voice came through, friendly and easy. "We're thrilled about the possibility of collaborating with you. We have a meeting scheduled to discuss the details, and there are a few documents for you to sign. Could I arrange a time for you to come in?"

Excitement bubbled within me. "Of course, Elsa! I'm eager to discuss everything. When and where should I be for the meeting?"

Elsa warmly provided the details, assuring me that the collaboration held great promise.

Getting ready for the meeting, I chose a professional look – white blouse, black high-waist pencil skirt. Kept it simple with a no-makeup makeup look and decided to let my hair down.

Ready to make a good impression, I headed out for the collaboration meeting at Kingsley Design.


Author's note
Hello guys,
Thank you so much for all the love and support you have been giving to this book.
I am sorry I am not able to post more frequently but i am trying my best to do so. I am a student so did caught up in work. But I have time this week so I will try to post another chapter in this week.
I know this is really short chapter but next will be surely be longer chapter. Thank you all again <3

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