6. Brushstrokes of Excitement

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Nova's POV

After a quick refreshing shower, I headed over to Mrs. William's apartment, the scent of Lilies still lingering in the air. Knocking on her door, she greeted me with a warm smile.

Stepping into Mrs. William's warm apartment, I presented her with the familiar bag of medicine. With a shared chuckle about pharmacy mix-ups, she curiously asked, "So, what's the story of your day, dear?"

A spark in my voice, I shared, "You know, Mrs. W, something amazing happened today. I made a new friend! She happens to be the daughter of one of New York's wealthiest. And guess what? And she invited me to a fancy art exhibition like as an artist to present my art pieces and there I will be rubbing shoulders with the top artist. Can you believe it?"

Mrs. William's eyes lit up, "Well, well, making friends in high places, aren't we? Tell me all the details."

As we settled in for a chat, I continued, "It turns out she's connected to some big names. I stumbled upon this when I was googling her. You know just to get her social media to know her better you know. No stalking " i said while giving a cheeky smile." To which she laughed and replied "Ya ya sure you don't do those things." which made both of us laugh. "Long story short, got an invite to a prestigious exhibition, and I'm buzzing with excitement about the possibilities!"

Mrs. William beamed, "Oh, dear, that's fantastic news! Your talent is finally getting the recognition it deserves. I couldn't be happier for you!"

She hugged me and i hugged her back I could clearly see how happy she was for me and that made me so emotional . I could see her getting emotional too.

With a twinkle in her eyes, she suggested, "Before we dive into more excitement, how about a nice cup of my special tea? It's just the thing to celebrate good news."

I eagerly agreed, "That sounds lovely, Mrs. W! Your special tea is always a treat."

Her tea is really the best thing on the planet. She mixes few herbs with the tea and it's just so tempting and healthy.

As Mrs. William went to prepare her special brew, I couldn't help but admit, "You know, Mrs. W, despite the good news, I'm feeling a bit nervous about the art exhibition."

She returned with a steaming cup and comforted me, "Oh, dear, it's perfectly normal to feel a bit jittery. You're stepping into a new world, but remember, you're incredibly talented, and this is your moment to shine."

Taking a sip of the soothing tea, I sighed, "Thanks, Mrs. W. Your words always have a calming effect."

She noticed a hint of worry on my face and inquired, "What's bothering you, dear?"

I chuckled nervously, "Well, the thing is, I have no idea what to wear for such a fancy event. It's a bit overwhelming."

Mrs. William, ever the problem solver, exclaimed, "Oh, we can't have that! How about we raid your closet and find the perfect outfit together?"

With the sounds of tea cups and laughter, Mrs. William and I went to my place. We looked through my messy wardrobe, and she picked out a pretty pastel pink dress. She said, "This is elegant and stylish. You'll stand out at the exhibition, trust me!"

I thanked her a lot, saying, "You know fashion, Mrs

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I thanked her a lot, saying, "You know fashion, Mrs. W. I feel great!"

Mrs. William gave me a bag to match, saying, "This adds a nice touch."

She comforted me, "I'll be with you on the exhibition day, helping you get ready. No worries."

On the big day, Mrs. William was a calming presence. We picked the paintings, and I got nervous, saying, "What if people don't like my art?."

She gave my shoulder a reassuring pat, saying, "Believe in yourself, dear. I don't call you Picasso for no reason. You're a rising star, and people will love your art, not just like it."

Honestly I needed to hear that. After feeling a little less anxious I said, "Mrs. Will, I need my best painting masterpieces out there. Help me choose, please. I know everything feels special for an artist who made it, but this is a big event, and I don't want to doubt my work."

We went in my art room, and go through the paintings. Sensing my anxiousness she kindly responded, "Remember what you said, each painting tells a story. Let's choose the ones that speak the loudest and proudest. You've got this!"

We have selected ten of my best masterpieces including the monument paintings that Lily saw on my phone. I hugged Mrs. William and expressed my heartfelt gratitude, "thank you so much Mrs. Will, i am so so grateful to you."
Saying that tears rolled out of my eyes and I hugged her again.

She gave me a big hug and then said, "Alright, enough of the emotional drama. We're not winning any Oscars here!" We both laughed.

She grinned mischievously and said, "Okay, in real life, you haven't done me any favors yet. How about you bring some delicious pizza for dinner, and we can enjoy it together?"

After agreeing with Mrs. William, she headed back to her apartment. In the evening, I went to Tommy's kitchen. It's this hidden gem with the best pizza in all of NYC, and it's just a quick 10-minute walk from my place.

Deciding to enjoy the evening, I took a stroll. On my way to Tommy's, I spotted the cutest puppy. It had adorable black and white spots, and there was a heart-shaped mark on its head. I decided to call him Mr. Hearts and started playing with him.

"Hey there, Mr. Hearts! You're the cutest pup I've ever seen. How's your day going?"

Surprisingly Mr. Hearts responded Woof! Woof! Which made me smile . I love this pup already!!!

"Oh, I bet it's been a pawsitively fantastic day for you. By the way, I'm going to be your friend, and I'll come by every day to give you some tasty treats. What do you think about that?"

Mr. Hearts now started wagging his tail enthusiastically.

"Great! See you tomorrow, Mr. Hearts. Take care, buddy! "

As I kept Mr. Heart back on the ground he gave me cute look and started wiggling his tail again and then went to her mother who was just down the street.

After meeting Mr. Hearts, I continued my stroll to Tommy's kitchen. I ordered two mouthwatering pizzas – the Margherita and the Pepperoni Delight. With the aromatic boxes in hand, I headed back home.

Mrs William was delighted to see the pizza, and we had an amazing dinner together, sharing stories about HOW SHE MET MR. WILLIAM and lots of laughter.

Mrs. William leaned in, wearing a mischievous grin, "So, any special someone you're hiding, dear? Spill the tea!"

I chuckled nervously, "Oh, Mrs. W, you know me. No secrets here. I believe in finding a soulmate, you know, someone who connects with you on a deeper level."

Mrs. William teased, "Soulmate, huh? Sounds like you've got someone in mind. Come on, spill!"

I laughed, "No, really! I haven't found anyone yet. But, you know, someone who understands you and appreciates your quirks, that's the dream."

With a bright smile she said, "Well, dear, call it an old lady instinct, but I have a feeling you might just find your soulmate at this exhibition."

As she left with a knowing smile, I mused to myself, "Finding a soulmate at an art exhibition? Now, that's a plot twist I didn't see coming."


Author's note
Hey guys!!
I hope you are enjoying the story. This is the longest chapter I have written so far:). Please vote and give me feedback on what you think about the story so far.
Thank you for all the support!!!

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