3.Tango Ties

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Nova POV

Driving through New York City is like diving into a sea of tall buildings and busy streets, where every corner holds a new adventure. That's exactly what I am doing. I parked my baby in the designated parking space near the art studio.

As soon as I entered, I noticed the class had already begun. The art studio turned into a cool party while all the dancers started doing warmups, and I got an invitation thanks to some awesome beats. Walking in felt like receiving a large, warm embrace from a joyful environment. The music sounded like a happy band urging me to join the dancing gang that was already shaking it off, just like Taylor Swift.

After the amazing warmup session, we began to learn some moves with my dance partner Ken. I then gave it a little spin and sway, and voila! My heart began to beat to the salsa beat. It seemed as though my laid-back atmosphere had a unique ability to entice folks to our dance party.

In the middle of all the twirls and giggles, I had a tiny oops moment. But instead of turning into an embarrassed tomato, it became a burst of laughter that everyone caught on to. It was like saying, "Who cares if I tripped? Let's make it a funny dance move!"

As the music continued its lively melody, unknown to me, my phone buzzed on a nearby table. A girl with beautiful hazel eyes and perfect dirty blond hair sported it. In curiosity, she noticed the lock screen wallpaper and started to survey the room. It was an amazing painting of a monument with me that I painted recently.

She approached me with a smile. "Is this your phone?" she asked, holding it up for me to see.

My eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, yes! Thank you for finding it. I was too caught up in the dance."

With a playful grin, she nodded. "No worries. Dancing tends to have that effect. By the way, I'm Lily."

"Nova," I introduced herself with a friendly smile.

Our conversation flowed seamlessly, with laughter woven into every exchange. Compliments on dance moves were traded, and soon, the topic shifted to my artwork.

Lily's eyes sparkled with admiration. "Your painting on the phone is incredible. Are you an artist?"

Grinning, I nodded enthusiastically. "Guilty as charged! I'm absolutely in love with creating art. That painting is one of my recent masterpieces."

Lily's gaze shifted to the artwork. "My dad's organizing an art exhibition for local talents. Your work would be a fantastic addition. Would you be interested?"

My heart did a little salsa of its own. "Absolutely! I'd be over the moon to participate."

Lily grinned. "Great! I'll text you the details of the event."

As the dance session concluded, Lily and I exchanged numbers, already planning our next artistic adventure. We chatted about the upcoming exhibition, sharing jokes and stories, making the whole conversation feel like a comedy sketch in a lively sitcom.

As we parted ways, the excitement of the art exhibition and the newfound connection with Lily lingered in my thoughts. Little did I know, this dance-infused encounter was just the beginning of a colorful chapter in my New York adventure. What surprises and unexpected twirls awaited me, only time would tell.

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