Chapter 1

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"DAMN!" Zero shouted, " Why the hell do we have to move to a small town out in the middle of nowhere and at the beginning of a new school year?" Zero crossed his right leg over his left while folding his arms. Spike took that moment to look up at his twin to just give him a sorryful look. "Look, I'm no more happy about this as you are Zero. But can't you try to hold your temper just a little more? I mean it can't be that bad," Spike stated as he lend foward toward his twin brother in hopes to calm him down. Zero just let out a huff and closed his eyes; deciding to take a nap than put up with Spike's attempt to get him to calm down. Zero really hated the idea of moving to Burgsboard, the town just sount way too boring for his liking. Zero was the bad boy type who loved to get in trouble if not for the fun of it then to get attention from his and Spike's parents. Their mother however wanted them to get in touch with their wilder side than being nothing but city slickers. Something about how they needed to get to know the woods more because of their werewolf side. Their father didn't even so much as put up a fight with her when she claimed that they needed to move. You'd think he wouldn't want to live that close to woods too seeing how he was a vampire and everyone knows vampires live for the night life, but no, he had to do what his lovey dovey wanted. About four hours later Zero opened his eyes to see trees upon trees passing his window and he just gritted his teeth. He didn't see why he had to get in touch with nature seeing how he hadn't gained his fur yet or even his fangs for that matter. He was already eighteen and still was just as much human as anyone else was. It was his brother Spike who had already gained his fur at the ripe young age of four and his fangs at an even younger age of two. He could understand his mother wanting to get Spike closer to the woods, but why him too.
Zero was soon brought out of his thoughts when he noticed that the car had stopped moving and he looked out his window to see a huge house. Groaning Zero opened his door and got out to follow suit with his family at going into their new home. "Boys, go find which room y'all want to have as your rooms that way you can go ahead and start unpacking," Lunarra stated as she walked towards the living room. "Fine, at least we get to pick our rooms first," Zero mumbled as he walked up the stairs to the second floor. The hallway Zero went down looked to be plain jaine to him seeing how he was used to their apartment back in Starstruck City. Zero walked all the way to the end of the hall and opened the last door which led into a huge room that even had it's own bathroom to it. "Well, guess I found my room," Zero stated as he turned to see who had made the noise behind him just to come face to face with his twin. "Damn, this is a big room Zero. How about we share a room like back when we were five?" Spike asked his brother as he stuck his head inside the bathroom to take a look. "Like hell we will, go find your own damn room Spike. We're eighteen and you still want to share a bed with me; what can't stand to sleep in the dark by yourself?" Zero shouted at his brother. Spike tripped over his own feet as he came out of the bathroom in a hurry and felled ontop of his brother with an umff. "Zero, why do you have to be an ass about everything. Man I was just joking." Spike stated as he sat strattled across his brothers lap and begain to pout. Zero's eye twitched at how his brother was acting and shouted," Get the fuck off me damn it and stop pouting like some spoiled brat." Seeing how he done went and managed to piss his brother off Spike got up on his feet and walked out of the room without so much as another word said to his brother. Zero just stayed lying there in the floor regretting talking to his brother the way he did. He knew that it wasn't his fault that they moved and yet he kept taking his anger out on him without thinking about his actions first. Zero let out a moan as he turned onto his side as he felt a pain go throw his head knowing full well that it would soon be a full blown head ache later and closed his eyes. It wasn't to much longer after he closed his eyes that he fell into a deep restless sleep.

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