Chapter 6

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The first day of school went by in a flash and not much happened to Zero nor his brother. They did find out that they would most likely come to love their new school. The school system was set up way different than their old school by far. One thing that was different that Zero really liked about this new place was that they had only one class to go to the whole day which just so happened to be Sex Ed. Something about how it was more important for seniors to learn about the sexual reproduction of both vampires, werewolves, and yes even humans. They even had their own book made just for this class that would take a whole school year to read through. The books however were huge but they didn't have to take them home ever, Zero was also happy they didn't have any homework. Spending a whole day going over one chapter at a time was long enough that they should have it pat down by the end of the day anyways. Now on the second day of school Zero and his brother were running late, litterly running. They both had somehow managed to forget to set the shitty alarm clocks they both had in their rooms and neither had gotten up til it was already 6:30. It took them fifty minutes to walk to school and here they were running the whole way there just to make sure they got there in time because their class starts at 7:00 AM sharp. "FUCK!" Zero shouted as he took his seat right before the final bell for class to start runged. Zero let his head bang down onto his desk in front of him. He was tired from the run there and was completely out of breath. "You going to be ok?" a low voice asked from the left side of Zero. Zero turned his head over to the left to look at the person who spoke to him," Yea, just out of breath from running all the way here. Nothing to worry about," and laughed tiredly. Zero hadn't realized that he was setting next to a girl the other day but man was she beautiful; as in his mother's league beautiful. She had long black hair and the most startling icy blue eyes he had ever seen before. The girl suddlenly turn a light pink and stuttered,"Oh, um, by the way I'm Senna Hellsing. Its nice to meet you." Zero's eyes went big at the mention of her last name but he quickly over came his shock and told her his name.
Not much happened after that besides the teacher going on about how guys' could easily become sexually aroused by another guy without having to be sexually attracked to men. Something about how a well placed hand on the inside of a guys legs could turn them on or other well placed touches. That might explain why Zero responded to his brother's kiss the other day the way he did, but he wasn't sure about that anymore. For the most part Zero always thought he was only attracted to women but now he wasn't too sure about that. On the night of the prank kiss Zero couldn't sleep because of the weird as fuck dreams he kept having about his brother. Which is way he was tired as fuck right now while he was putting his book into his locker. Zero let out a huff as he shut his locker and started to turn when he was suddenly slammed into it by force along with his arms being pinned over his head by some red haired guy. Zero blinked once and then spoke,"Who the hell are you and let go." The red headed freak just laughed and shook he's head at Zero," Not going to happen sport, not going to happen. Oh, and I'd be happy to give you my name; it's Alexander." The look on the guy's face just pissed Zero off even more as he tried to pull his arms loose with no results. "Damn, you're weak," Alexander stated as he brought his face closer to Zero's face. The teacher had given him this idea he was acting on right now from class a few minutes ago. He wanted to see if the rumors were true about how Zero and his brother was a thing as well as if a touch here or there really would turn another guy on. But so far all he had managed to get out of his sport was a glare that could kill if looks could do that by some miracle. Alexander just smiled at Zero and done the last thing Zero would've ever thought he would do, he fucking kissed him in the school hallway as he pressed his lower body against Zero's. Zero frozed in pure shock at what the jackass had just done to him and then let out a moan at what he did next to him which was an even more of a shock to Zero. Alexander had started to rub his right knee between Zero's legs against his cock. Zero felt his face go pink from the sound he made when the red head started rubbing him there and would have cursed out loud if that was even possible at the moment but when Zero had let that moan slipe out Alexander had used that moment to push his tongue into Zero's mouth. Zero tried even harder to get loose as panic began to set in at the fact he was pinned there. Then another moan came out unbidden when Alexander began to grind his crouch against Zero's. Zero was starting to loose his breath at what the other was doing to him and it was really making it hard for him to think when out of nowhere a voice shouted at Alexander,"Let my brother go you motherfucker."
Alexander smurked as he pulled away from Zero and turned to face Spike,"So the other one finally showed up. What can't stand seeing someone make out with your brother." Spike's eye twitched at what the fucker had said about his brother but decided to let it go for now. He had more important things to worry about at the moment like getting the jackass away from Zero. "No, I'm not mad that you're making out with my brother; its the way by which you're doing so that is pissing me off," Spike stated as he came closer to the two at the lockers,"so how about you let him go before I turn you into an Alexandra." Alexander turned Zero loose as he bent over laughing at what the other twin had to say," Do you really think you have what it takes to threaten me?" Alexander was having way too much fun with this, one he had managed to turn Zero on if the bulge in his pants was anything to go on and second he had manged to piss Spikey boy off. "Looks like to me your brother's into S&M because I don't think he got that hard just from you coming to his rescue," Alexander stated as he jestered towards Zero's boner. Zero's face had finally made it to the color red. Who the fuck did this guy think he was, not to mention way the hell did he think he could get away with talking about him in such a manner. "You son of a," Zero started to say when Spike interrupted him,"Stay out of this Zero." Zero blinked at what his brother just said to him. Did he really think he could tell him what to do? "Like hell am I going to stay out of this, you weren't the one this guy pinned to the locker just now and molested," Zero shouted at his brother. Spike turned on his brother at that moment because something just snapped inside him,"No, I'm not the one he just molested however it was my twin he molested and I'm not just going to stand by and watch him continue doing so." What Zero's brother stated just pissed him off even more than the fact he had been kissed by another guy,"I can take care of myself Spike, go mind your own fucking business." Seeing nothing but red at that moment Spike pinned Zero to his locker like Alexander had just done a few moments ago and squeezed his twin's wrist hard,"Oh, so you can take care of yourself can you? Let's see you get away from me then. Please do at any moment you feel like it cause I'd love to see a human over power a hybrid let alone a werewolf." Zero flinched at how tight his brother was holding his wrist, it felt as though he was about to break them but that didn't keep him from trying to get loose from Spike's hold on him. "Come on Zero, get loose already. Or was this Jackass over there right about you being into S&M cause if you are I guess I'll just have to start fucking you against this damn locker to get the point across," Spike shouted as he started to roughly grind his hips against his brother's. Alexander didn't know what to make at what he was seeing but one thing he did know; Zero wasn't enjoying anything his brother was doing to him at that moment. In fact Zero looked like he wanted to cry out in pain but wouldn't do so in spite of his brother. "Dude, chill and let him go. Can't you see you're hurting him? I didn't put that much force on him like you're doing Spike," Alexander stated as he brought his hands up and moved towards the two. At the other guy's words Spike looked down at his brother's face and saw that in fact Zero was in pain; upon seeing the pain on his brother's face Spike realized he wasn't holding back on how hard he was gripping his brother's wrist. If he was holding them any more tighter they would've done snapped by now. Spike stepped back quickly and was instantly saying sorry to his brother for what he had done just now. Zero just looked up at his brother from under his bangs with tears in his eyes that he was barely keeping back as he just turned around and walked off away from both his brother and molester. "Shit, what the fuck did I just do," Spike said as he looked down at his hands.

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