Chapter 14

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It had only taken two full whole days for Zero to be completely healed and for him to be back at school. Zero was in hell still. Senna's scent was even more stronger now than it was before and now he was having a hard time keeping people from finding out he was hard. To Zero, Senna was a walking, talking need to be fucking fucked girl to him. Every time he saw her in the hall and every time he saw her in class all he could think about was throwing her onto her back and fuching the shit out of her. It didn't help matters that they had to stay in doors all day because the weather had turned for the worst about a half hour into the school day. Hell, even nature wouldn't give him a break. Suddenly a voice came accross the intercom announcing that school was being let out because of the severety of the storm and everyone was to head towards the safty of their own homes. It just so happened that Zero would be alone the whole time because his parents had to go to a meeting with the board again and had taken Spike along with them for support for what ever reason it was. He couldn't remember. By the time he had made it to the front door of the school building everyone was pretty much gone besides one person and why on God's green Earth did it have to be Senna. "Why are you just standing there? You need to get home too you know," Zero stated to Senna as he came up beside her. "Yea, I know. But I'm scared of thunder and no one's home today. My father took my brother Jack on a mission with him this time so I'm home alone," Senna said will shaking with her arms rapped around her body. Zero looked at her and couldn't just let her go home alone if she was that scared of storms. Hell, she probable wouldn't ever make it home if she was to walk in this mess. Leting out a huff and cursing the world even more Zero said something he was pretty fucking sure he would regret,"You can come stay at my house for the night then. I'm all alone too."
By the time Zero and Senna had made it to his house they were soaked to the bone. Knowing full well that it wasn't a good thing to stay in wet clothes Zero showed Senna to his room and went to get a towel after he told her to strip. When Zero came back he stopped dead in his tracks, there standing in the middle of his room was an almost naked Senna. Surpressing the erge to jump her Zero handed her the towel he had gotten out of his bathroom. "You can, um, use this to dry off," Zero stumbled over his words,"also you might, um, also want to come out-out of your underwear too." Senna stood there in shock at what Zero had just said but she took them off anyways with her back to Zero. Zero was trying his best not to look but hormones were winning because he couldn't stop looking at her ass as Senna pulled her panties off. Shaking his head to clear it Zero began to pick all of Senna's clothes up," I'm going to go put these in the drier, if you're cold you can get under the covers on my bed."
Fifteen minutes later Zero came back to fined Senna in his bed covered up. "Um, don't you, you know, need to get your wet clothes off too?" Senna mumbled through the covers. "Yea, I do," Zero stated as he headed towards the bathroom. A minute later Zero came back out with a towel rapped around his hips. He didn't know why he didn't just get his clothes first before he went and took off his wet ones. As he started towards his dresser a load clap of thunder sound which caused Senna to jump out of the bed and in to Zero's arms causing him to drop his towel in the process. Zero didn't know what to do but he did know he was hard as fuck just then. It didn't help matters much that Senna's scent was now surrounding him and her naked body was now pressed against his. Another clap of thunder caused Senna to push her leg against Zero's hard member and that's when all thoughts went out the window. Zero bent over and claimed Senna's lips in a kiss. Senna stood there in complete shock at the fact that Zero had just kissed her but she really didn't mind much seeing how she's liked him since day one. Zero ran his hands down to Senna's hips and pulled her more furmly to him as he licked her lower lip. Being startled by the sudden pull Senna opened her mouth and Zero took that chance to deepen the kiss with her and pushed his tongue into her mouth to exsplore it. Senna had never been kissed before let alone French kissed and so she let out a low moan. Not being able to stand it any longer Zero pushed Senna down onto his bed and got between her legs while running his right hand up her inner thigh. Zero stopped kissing her and began to move his head lower down towards Senna's breast where he began to suck on them. Senna began to moan more and more as Zero continued to suck on her and soon began to rub her clit. Not being able to hold off any longer Zero looked up at Senna to see if she would let him go all the way with her. Senna knew full well what Zero was waiting for and it scared her to know that she could loose her virginity to him but when she thought about it the more she didn't mind that it was Zero. Zero was a werewolf sure but thanks to that new law they passed all werewolves had to have a mate to pass high school; so wouldn't it be safe to say in the long run she would be helping him out? Having made her mind up Senna shook her head for him to go ahead. Seeing that it was ok Zero wasted no time to thrust all the way into Senna. Senna let out a moan of pain as Zero took her virginity from her but it was then that she noticed that after that first thrust he had completely stopped moving. "Are you ok," Zero asked her. Shocked that he would even care about hurting her she shook her head that she was fine and the told him it was ok if he wanted to move. Seeing how she was fine Zero began to move in and out of Senna in a slow pase until he noticed she was moan in pleasure. That's when he began to move faster which caused the bed to creak. It didn't take long for Zero to start to pant or for his balls to tighten up with the need to come and he didn't even get the chance to beg her to help him come either because at that moment Senna came around Zero's hard shaft which caused him to come. Loosing himself in the moment and pure blest of it all Zero sanked his fangs into Senna's right breast causing her to moan even loader and then he blacked out.

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