Chapter 3

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It was an hour later after the kitchen scene that Zero found himself setting on the couch bored out of his mind. His mother had made plans for Spike and herself for the day and had left the house about a half hour ago and Zero litterly had nothing to do but set there. But on the other end of things Spike would've killed right about now to be able to sit on the couch with Zero. Lunarra had planned a whole day's worth of nature hikes with him and right about now they were knees deep in a river making their way to a clearing Lunarra said she found last night while her sons were asleep. Spike was throwing curses every which way in his head at his mother for taking him to this God forsaken forest and making him track through all this shit. "Can we Please go home now," Spike asked his mother as he sliped on another rock on the bottom of the river bed making a loud splash. "No, not yet dearest. We still have another five hours of hiking ahead of us and if you don't pick up your pace we won't get to the clearing before dark. That's when its going to get fun," Lunarra stated as she turned around to give her son a toothy grin that would scare the shit out of even the bravest of werewolf males. Spike took that moment to stop in his tracks and looked at his mother in horror,"What's going to happen at night?" Laughing in the most creepiest of ways there ever could have been to laugh Lunarra turned to look at her son once more,"You'll just have to wait and see." Spike's mouth dropped open at his mother's haughting words and continued to follow his mother through the river.
Once they had made their way to the clearing Spike felled to the ground with a thud thanking God he made it there even though he knew the way home was going to be even more hell than the way there. Some how he just knew his mother was going to make him track his way all the way back in the dark. "Ok then, its time to change into our wolf forms and go have some fun," Spike's mother stated right before she shifted into her silvery white wolf form. Spike sat in awe at the sight of his mother. He's only ever seen her in this form a hand full of times but she was still the most beautiful sight he had ever seen except for that one time he had walked in on his brother taking a shower, but that was a whole other story. What could he say he was gay as a gay guy at a gay bar but somehow Zero has yet to figure that out although their parents knew about it; even about his little crush on his brother. "Why do we have to be in wolf form?" Spike asked his mother as he cleared his head of the memory of his brother in the bathroom and shifted forms. Spike always wondered why his fur wasn't white like his mother's fur was. Hell his hair was white like her's so why was his wolf's fur gray? His mother let out a small whine to let him know what they would be doing as wolves and that's when Spike knew for a fact he was in Hell. They were going to hunt. Now back at the house Zero had been so bored that he had at some point turned the tv on and was watching some romance anime that didn't really make any since at all that he had gotten from his brother's collection. Then Zero sat up real quick when things really picked up and the two guys in the show started to make out,"What the Hell kind of shit does Spike watch!"
The next morning Zero was awoken by movement in his bed and turned over to come face to face with his brother. "Why are you getting in my bed?" Zero asked his brother in an annoyed way. Spike looked at his brother with a look of horror on his face,"She is the devil." Zero sat up in his bed and looked down at his fear stricken brother and asked,"Who's the devil?" Just then Zero was tackled back down by his brother while he yeld that their mother was the devil himself. Zero didn't know what to think about how his brother was acting at that moment but whatever it was was left in the dust when a scene from Spike's anime came to his mind unbidden and he noticed that his brother was strattling his hips. Zero's face at that moment went from fair to red in a split second and he shouted at his brother the last thing he meant to say in the position they were in," What the hell kind of anime do you watch?" Spike sat there dumb founded by what his brother had just asked him,"Where the hell did that come from Zero?" Zero's face started to turn normal again as he answered his brother's question,"I got bored yesterday while you and mom was out and I decided I'd see what was so great about those anime shows you kept talking about but the one I was watching got weird as hell on the last episode. The two guys in it started to kiss while one of them was setting on top of the other so I turned it off." Spike's face decided at that moment that it was it's turn to turn red as the words Zero spoke sunk in,"Which ones did you look through?" Zero lend his head to the side as he looked at his brother," The ones under your bed, why? What's wrong with those?" Spike looked down at his brother that he was still strattling at the time,"They're yaoi Zero. Meaning they're about two guys falling for each other." Zero blinked twice before he asked his second question,"Why do you have gay anime?" Spike turned to look the other way when he answered his brother,"Cause I'm gay," and that's when he finally notice how he was setting on his brother. Spike's and Zero's eyes both went wide and they both moved before they even thought about it which in turn made their lips crush together. They sat there like that in pure shock at what had just happened neither one moving until they heard their mother's voice,"Am I interrupting something? Should I leave the room." Both boys rushed to make as much room apart from each other which resulted in Zero hitting the floor with a thud and Spike shouting that nothing was happening. "Right," Lunarra stated as she turned and left the room while closing the door behind her.

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