Chapter 16

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It didn't take long for to track down the occult nor did it take long for them to get into the base however it seemed the more of the members they ran into the more determinded the occult became to have Zero in their clutches. At one point they almost had him until Van stepped in and cut the net loose from him that one of the members had thrown on him. The more they tried to capture him the more pissed Zero got about the whole thing. First off he didn't want anything to do with these fuckers and second they kidnapped his mate. One he had just really begun to get to know better. By the time they finally got to were they were holding Senna hostige Zero was fuming with rage. Oh, and the kicker of it all was the fucker had the balls to hold a knife to her throat and threaten to kill her if he didn't come with them. Shit really started to go down however when Senna cried out in pain from the prick pulling her hair. Zero went to jump the guy just to have a foot slammed into his gut,"Look, we may worship you, but we're not about to let you kill us. We're not that eager to please you. We just want you to pleasure us really. We've heard that the best sex in the world can only be had with Lust himself, and so here we are, how about it Zero; come with us and we'll release the girl unharmed." Zero's eye twitched at what the fucker had just said to him. Did he really think he'd bend over and take it in the ass for him? Like hell he would. Then time stopped as Zero smelt blood and saw it run down Senna's neck," Ops, seems I niked her. My bad," the guy holding her stated while laughing. Everyone stopped in their track once they saw a white wolf charge the man with the knife and went for his throat. The man didn't even so much as get a chance to move before the wolf was on top of him ripping into him. All the man could do was jab the knife into the wolf's left hind leg and drag it downwards. In a matter of seconds the man was no longer moving at all, then again no one was making a move because they knew they had one pissed off Alpha on their hands. By this point in time Senna was setting on the ground with her hand over the nick on her neck looking at the wolf that was now making its way towards her. She wanted to scream but she was too scared to even do that much; that's when she noticed the look in it's eyes and she realized one person had gone missing in the room which told her all she needed to know. The wolf would never harm her because she was it's mate. Once Zero finally got to were Senna was on the ground he collapsed down on her lap having lost alot of blood from where the man had jabbed his knife into his leg. It was all over and everyone let out a sigh of releaf that Zero had calmed down. It wasn't like they were going to all rush over to him yet though, no one was that stupid. They all knew even though he looked calmed he would still snap at whomever got near Senna. So they waited for an hour to pass before any of them tried to get close to the two. Lunarra was the one to go to Zero first because she knew she'd be fine. Once she noticed that Zero was out cold she signaled to the others to come on over and help her. At long last the whole ordeal could be put behind them and they all could go home. No one had to tell Van way Zero had acted the way he did and he didn't really care. As long as Vlad didn't find out about what had happened in the forest that night, Van didn't care that Zero had claimed his daughter for a mate. It wasn't too long afterwards that Zero, Spike, and Senna all graduated from high school. Although Zero didn't really like the fact that Spike and Senna were now fighting over him. Hell, he had an even bigger problem to solve; HOW THE HELL DID HAVING SEX WITH SENNA MAKE HER A HYBRID TOO! AND ONE WITH BEAUTIFUL BLACK FUR WITH BLUE EYES AT THAT.

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