Chapter 4

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            It was a beautiful night out for a run and that's just what the pack was up to til the rusty red wolf stopped in the clearing that they had just arrived at and sniffed the air. Alexander didn't know the scents that he had just found out in the clearing and it pissed him off to know someone had dared to trespass on his father's pack land. His father was the pack leader and he being his father's son knew the scent of everyone in their pack. These two scents weren't from their pack and he wasn't going to let it pass that someone had the balls to come onto their land. It would've been different if they would have came to his father first for permission but he hadn't been told of no such visitors. So an hour later Alexander made his way to his father's office to talk to him about the scents when one of those very scents hit him square in the face. Becoming more pissed than before he let out a low growl and barged right into his old man's office just to run right into the most perfect breast he had ever seen and the most beautiful woman at that too. "Who the hell is this?" was all he could say at that moment. The woman before him burst out laughing,"This must be your son Drac. Doesn't seem to have much manners though, however I can't talk; my sons aren't no better." Alexander moved back a few steps and just blinked twice. Did she really just call him rude in his own home. But before he could say anything to the woman in front of him his father spoke up,"Yea, that's my brat Alexander. He thinks he can talk to whomever he wants any way he wants all because of my status as alpha. I'm very sorry Lunarra that he spoke to you in such a manner." Alexander's mouth felled open at what his father had said about him; he couldn't believe his father would have the balls to say something like that to a complete stranger. Wait, he just called her Lunarra, Alexander thought to himself. Does that mean that the old man knows this woman. "Well, it was nice seeing you again after all these years. I hope my boys and your pack can get along," Lunarra stated as she walked out of the room and closed the oak door. "Go ahead and ask already, I know you're going to," Drac said with a wolfish grin.
            Later that night Alexander found himself lying on his bed with a frown on his face. How the hell was he suppose to know that was the queen? What made him madder was the fact that he found out that her two brats were going to start at the same school he went to tomorrow and that really pissed him off. Two more possible alphas at his school wasn't something he wanted to happen and here it was happening. He was supposed to be the head honcho at his school and now he finds out that there'll be two that he can't boss around really really just pissed him Off! Alexander just rolled over to his other side and huffed. Man he just hated it when things didn't go his way. Sure he let's his father's status as alpha go to his head sometimes but hell could you blame him. He could have any girl in the pack because he's next in line to be alpha and now he'll be limited to how many girl's he could choose from because of the queen's sons. If only he could do something to get rid of the two possible alphas and save his harem of beautiful girls. Yea, he knew he could only have one mate but hell it didn't mean he couldn't have fun til he found the one he wanted to have his pups when the time came for that kind of stuff. That's when an idea struck in his mind," I'll make their lives a living hell and have a fucking blast at the same time." Alexander just loved the rules his father had set for the pack and he was going to take full advantage of one rule in particular.

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