Chapter 5

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Zero let out a yawn as him and his brother made their way to their new school. He really hated Mondays and he hated school even more so. "So, what do you think this new school is going to be like Zero. I hope we get an awesome tech this time, Ms. Lawson was a bitch at our old school wouldn't you agree?" Spike asked his brother as he watched Zero push his black hair back out of his eyes as the wind continued to force it into his face. "I don't really care," Zero stated with a bored look upon his face. To tell the truth he was hoping the same thing; he really hated that bitch back at their old high school. That was the only upside to moving that Zero could come up with. Zero was soon brought out of his thoughts when a medium size building came into veiw that had dozen of teens standing around outside it's walls. Just fucking great, its one of those types like in the movies were everyone stands outside til the bell rung. Zero however didn't get to muse on that topic for very long once his brother said what he had to say about the girls staring at them. In a low voice Spike lend into his brother and whispered,"Beat you five bucks that those girls would faint if we kiss in front of them." Zero pulled away from his brother and just stared at him in horror. "Why the hell would you say something like that? Plus I don't need five dallors that bad." Zero stated as the other day's accident went flying through his mind and his face went a little pink. "Just because, besides it'd be fun to mess with their heads," Spike stated with a toothy grin,"so how about it Zero. Let's have some fun on our first day of school. I'll make it worth it, promise." Zero did like playing around with others but his brother was asking to fucking kiss him in front of a whole school yard of teens. That kind of shit was hard to live down and on top of that it would make it seem like they had a thing for each other. On the upside though Zero has had a problem sence the kiss that had happened in his room. He could use this chance to find out if he really did feel the way he's been feeling toward his brother here lately. "Fine, but you'll owe me a fucking lot for this Spike," Zero stated as he lend in closer to his brother. Spike could hardly believe that his brother was going to go through with his little prank, but hell he wasn't going to look a gifted horse in the mouth and not go through with his own idea after being able to talk his twin into it. So seeing how this was going to be his only chance to kiss his brother again Spike wasted no time to put his hands on his brother's hips and pulled him against his own hips which caused an even bigger scene. The fact of what Spike had just done out of the blue cause Zero's mouth to fall open and for him to find his brother's tongue in his mouth. This was not the kind of kiss he had agreed to but for some reason Zero couldn't brang himself to pull away from his brother; in fact he started to kiss him back as his eyes closed. That was until all the squilling began, that's when Zero finally realized just how he was kissing his own brother causing him to pull away with a pink face and a small amount of salva still connecting their mouths. That's when one girl fainted.
Standing by the fence one boy looked like he was about to be sick at what he had just seen. Did those two really just French kiss each other in front of the whole damn school. Jack Hellsing was completely in shock at it all as he pushed some of his blonde hair out of his face. That's when a thought accoured to him, did they just do that to pull the legs of those stupid girls? He knew enough about girls to know they liked the idea a twins being together and those boys looked like they would get a kick out of messing with the girls' heads. Shaking his head Jack pushed away from the fence and headed toward the door," Doesn't really matter, as long as they keep that shit away from me I'm fine." That's when he heard a familar voice call out to him from the left side of the school's grounds. "Where the hell have you been Senna? The bell's about to ring and we're going to be late to class," Jack turned and spoke to his sister of the age of sixteen. Senna just pouted at how her brother was being so mean to her," I couldn't help it. The teacher needed to speak to me about my last test so I had to go see him in the storage room as he put up some of the school equipment." Jack let out a huff and mumbled something under his breath and continued to walk to class,"Fine."

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