Chapter 10

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The rest of the weekend went by pretty fast after the whole kitchen thing that had went down and even the two weeks their parents were supposed to have been gone for. Zero and Spike had made a note to not really speak about what had happened which in turn had their father pissed again because neither was speaking to each other again but for a whole different reason. With his eye twitching with anger Vlad bite out,"Now what is the hell wrong between you two?" Zero stopped what he was doing while turning to look over at his brother," nothing's wrong between us," as his face turn pink from the memory of what his brother had done to him. "Yea, don't know what your talking about old man," Spike mumbled as he left the room. It was the next day at school that Zero started to notice something strange about Senna. He couldn't quite put his fingure on it but she sure as hell was different somehow to him. Every time she walked pass him in the hall he couldn't help but watch her, hell he even couldn't keep his eyes off her in class.
It was the day after that Zero noticed that Senna smelt exstremely good, like really good and he didn't really care much for how that scent was making a certain part to get hard. He didn't even know why he could even smell her scent to begin with until a thought accured to him. What if his wolf side finally had kicked in and if that was the case did that mean Senna was in heat cause if that was the case Zero was sure he was going to be in hell soon if he couldn't catch a break from the scent. Zero knew full well what could happen if he was right and his wolf had in fact finally woken up inside him; if the scent stayed around him and kept him hard like he was right now he might jump poor Senna during class and fuck the shit out of her. The mear thought that Zero might rape his friend really made him sick to his gut, hell he didn't really know her that well but she was still someone he liked to speak to every so often even if she just so happened to be the one he couldn't get no sleep over. Yea, he had those kinds of thoughts about her, who wouldn't. Senna was the very definition of the word desire and he sure as hell wanted to fuck her as it was already without that scent making it harder on him. So Zero decided there was only one way to find out if he was right and that was to go talk to his brother about it.
About a half hour later Zero found himself looking at his twin waiting on what he might say. Spike was deep in thought at what his little brother had said just a few seconds ago and had come to a dead stop in front of Zero while sniffing the air. "Well, I really hate to say this but yea; you finally got your fur. I can't tell you if you've gotten your fangs yet though. Have you wanted to bite anyone yet?" Spike asked his brother as he lend against the school's fence. Zero looked at his brother in shock but shock his head no,"No, I haven't wanted to bite anyone as of yet." Spike pushed himself away from the fence while starting towards their house,"Then we'll just have to keep you on a short leash around Senna, hell if you have to just motion for me to meet you in the guys' bathroom and I'll give you one hell of a blowjob," all the while laughing. Letting his head hang low Zero mummered,"Very funny." as he followed behind his brother.

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