Chapter 8

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It had only been two day since their parents left for the board meeting and Zero still wouldn't so much as look at his brother let alone stay in the same room for a long period of time with him. Then again Spike didn't blame him for doing so seeing how he did him two days ago. He wanted to say sorry to him badly but knew that wouldn't go over to well as of right now so Spike just went about his own business until one day Zero didn't come down for school. Not wanting to bother him or start any fights Spike decided to head on to school. An hour into class Spike begain to get worried about his brother. Why is he not here yet? He should have done been here by now Spike thought to himself. Not being able to stand it any longer Spike asked the teacher to go home early. "Why should I let you leave earlier than the rest of the class?" Mr. Starkston asked. Looking at the teacher Spike stated," My brother never came to class nor did he come down from his room this morning before I left and I'm worried something might be wrong. Our parents had to go to the board meeting so there's no one there to check on him." Mr. Starkston shook his head in understanding and told Spike he could go home if that was the case.
Once back at the house Spike rushed up to his brother's room and stood in front of the door. He wasn't too sure he wanted to go in and cause a fight but he also didn't want his brother to be in any danger either. So Spike slowly opened the door and entered the dark room. Zero was sound asleep in his bed but what made Spike worry was the pained look on his brother's face as well as the sweat on it. Zero rolled over and opened his eyes with a glaze look to them. Zero didn't know what was going on other than the fact that the room was way too hot and his brother was just standing there looking at him. All he could do or even think of doing at the moment was to beg his brother to make the pain go away along with the heat in the room. He felt like his whole body was in flames and he was panting from it all. Spike not know what to do went to the air controller and turned it below 65 degrees. He then returned to his brother and sat down beside him,"Look, I'm sorry about the other day. I can't just keep staying away from you Zero, you're my brother." Zero looked up at his brother and shook his head," Don't worry about it, just make it stop." Spike looked at his brother in confusion. Make what stop and how the hell was he suppose to do so? Before he could ask his brother what he ment by what he said Zero had reached up and pulled his brother's head down to his in a kiss. Spike was in pure shock at what his brother had just done and would've asked what the hell was up with him if it weren't for the longing look Zero was giving him. Seeing how Spike secretly had a crush on his brother he didn't try to stop Zero when he kissed him a second time but instead kissed him back.
Zero didn't really know what he was doing at the moment but he did know he didn't want to stop any time soon. That's when he let out a moan when he felt his brother's hand brush up against his side. Spike seeing he's chance to deepen the kiss stuck his tongue into his brother's mouth and begain to exsplore it so he could memorize it for later. Soon both brothers pulled away with a string of salva still connecting there mouths to each other so they could catch their breath but quickly returned to kissing once again once they had their breath back. Spike wasn't too sure how far he could take it but he was welling to try just about anything at the moment so he pushed his left hand up Zero's stomach and under his shirt which caused another moan to leave his brother's mouth. Seeing how he wasn't telling him to stop Spike strattled his brother's hips and begain to grind down on him. The preasure Spike was putting on Zero's cock had him moaning into their kiss and he didn't want him to stop; in fact he wanted more friction between them. "Ah, Spike, harder," Zero manged to moan out between kisses. Spike hearing his brother's request got up on his knee and got between his brother's legs while grinding their clothed members together. Zero moan even loader from how his brother was touching him now and was getting harder by the second. Not being comlpetely happy with the friction he had at the moment Spike decided to pull his brother's shirt up and over his head, throwing it somewhere in the dark room. By this time Spike was littlerly dry humping his brother and panting because he was so hard for his brother. Losing himself in the moment Spike reached down and pulled Zero's boxers off. Spike stopped at that moment to just look at his brother's form below him and let a low moan slip out. That's when Spike decided to just go all the way and got up to remove his clothes too,"Fuck it, I'm not about to stop now." Spike got back between his brother's legs and grabbed both of their erections in his hand while beginning to pump them. Zero let out a moan at what his brother had just done and begain to beg him for more. Zero couldn't stop panting or catch his breath but he didn't rightly care at the moment as a shiver went up his spine when he felt Spike run his fingure through the slit on his cock,"Fuck Spike, ah, don't stop." The room was really starting to get hot now and even Spike was feeling the heat of it all,"Ah, shit." Spike not being able to take it any more reach down and pushed Zero's legs over his shoulders while pushing his cock into his brother's tight ass. Zero let out a loud moan at what his brother had just done. The moan was a mixture between pain and pleasure as he felt himself being stritched by his brother,"Ah, Spike. Shit don't stop, ah ahhu; fuck me now." Hearing Zero moan out what he just did made Spike loose all self controll he had left and he begain to ram into his brother as hard as he could causing the bed to rock. Zero tried to match his brother's thrusts with his own and soon he was panting from the need to come. "Fuck, Spike, ah, I need to c-come," Zero said between thrust as he felt his balls tighten with the need. Spike was right there with him in the fact that he was about to come as well from how hard Zero's sweet ass was squeezing his cock,"Zero, shit, ah, let me come already." That's when both gave out a load moan as they both came at the same time however Spike didn't stop thrusting into his brother. He had started to thurst harder and faster wanting the pleasure to continue as long as it could all the while his brother begged him to go harder and deeper. That's when both froze in their movements as they came a second time. Not having the strangth to hold himself up any longer Spike fell over to Zero's right side and pulled Zero against him. It didn't take long for them both to fall asleep while still pressed against one another.

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