Chapter 9

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Spike was litterly freaking out by now and it was only just the start of Saturday morning. Oh, sure there wasn't really no reason for him to be freaking out besides the fact that he was pretty sure he had raped his brother the night before. Zero was currently watching his brother make a trinch in their mother's kitchen floor, trying to figure out what was bothering him so much. Zero had no memory of the night before or even waking up any time yesterday and that was the very reason Spike was freaking out. Spike hadn't realized his brother had a fever that high that it would affect his memory but here he was, not a clue to why he was freaking out so bad in front of him. That's when Spike stopped dead in his tracks all at once with a plan forming in his head. If he could somehow work his way back into his brother's pants while he was sain then maybe just maybe he wouldn't be so mad when he finds out Spike fucked him while he had a high fever. Spike smiled to himself, hell he knew he was one sick bastard for even coming up with his plan of action but was even sicker for thinking it'd be fun to do so in the prossess. Hell, he was even getting hard just thinking about the sounds he could make his brother make. The only problem so far with Spike's plan though was that he wasn't sure how to go about getting in his straight as hell brother's pants without him having a fever.
It was about an hour later and Spike still didn't have a clue to how to start his plan til he noticed his brother leaning over the kithen senk washing the dishes from their lunch. Spike smiled to himself while walking straight up behind his brother and pulling his ass against his cock. The mear contact was enough to get him hard and that was all the motivation he needed to do the next thing he did which was to push his right hand down his brother's pants and gripped his cock in his hand. Zero's eyes opened wide at what had just happened but didn't so much as get the chance to ask his brother what the hell he was doing before he felt Spike start to strock his length. Zero let his head fall foward and began to moan all while spreading his legs further apart. He didn't really know why he was acting the way he was to his brother's touch but hell did it feel good to him. That's when Zero throw his head back against his brothers shoulder and let out a load moan, as his brother ran his finger through the slit of Zero's cock and began to thrust his own cock against Zero's ass. Neither said a word to each other as they both started to get close to their release; feeling their balls tighten with the need to come and that's when Zero let out a load moan of pleasure slip out of his mouth as he came in his brother's hand. It didn't take much longer for Spike to find his own release as he began to hump his brother faster while panting the whole time. By the time Spike finally stopped moving against his brother he was so tired he just slumped over his brother's back panting. Zero not knowing what to think of what had just happened just stated,"Where the hell did that come from?" as he fell backwards with his brother to the floor below too tired himself to stand any longer.

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