Chapter 15

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Turned out the storm wasn't as bad as everyone thought it was going to be like and Zero was not really too happy at the moment. His father was going on and on about something that had happened while they were gone. In fact Zero didn't know why the old man was being so pissy until he said,"Just fucking great, Zero and Spike are to be considered mated to each other in the court of law. Where the fuck did I go wrong with those two and why the hell didn't you two tell me yall were fucking each other." Zero just looked at his father with is mouth hung open. When the hell did he find that out and how the hell does that even make sence. Zero didn't get to ask his father about that however because before he could even say one word Van Hellsing came barging into their kitchen,"She's been kidnapped! Some motherfucking occult kidnapped my daughter!" Both Zero and his father jumped from their seats at the table while shouting,"What!"
No more than a town over Senna was tied to a chair with a blindfold over her eyes. "I can't fucking believe you got the wrong person again! Does she even look like she has a dick between her legs?" Someone shouted. "So-sorry sir, but it was dark out and I smelt Lust himself, hell his scents all over her." another man defended. "Shit, do you even know what that means? You not only kidnapped the wrong person but you also managed to kidnap Zero's mate. Do you know how pissed he's going to be at us?" the first man spoke up again. Senna was scared out of her mind, what did they want with Zero and how did she wind up being the one they got? "Um, cou-could you please lo-loosen the ropes please. They kind of hurt," Senna begged them. "Look here girly, just because you're his mate don't mean shit to us. It's him we worship, not you. So don't go thinking we're going to start treating you any better." the first man cruely spoke into Senna's left ear.
It didn't take long for Van Hellsing to understand what had happened or why Zero felt that he needed to help get her back; it was how pissed Zero was that Van didn't get. Zero and his family had explained that the real reason behind them moving to town was to get Zero away from this occult that believed him to be Lust itself. Hell, they all knew that sount crazy but it was the truth. Hell, they had even managed to kidnap Zero once when he was just five but it seemed this time they got the wrong person. So an hour later Zero, Spike, Vlad, Van, and even Lunarra were heading out of the house to go get Senna back.

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