Chapter Eleven: The Scent of Roses

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Senator Snow, gave her a fleeting smile and then turned his attention back to the activity of the Capitol Train Station. Hazel's focus continued to be drawn to him as he moved with a natural authority across the platform. His tall frame and undeniably handsome features made him stand out in the large, empty space of the Capitol Train Station. His pale golden blonde hair shimmered under the station's lights, enhancing his distinguished appearance. Dressed in clothing that was both rich and impeccably tailored, Snow exuded an air of refined sophistication.

It was his striking blue eyes, however, that truly captivated Hazel. They had the depth of the skies over District 7 but lacked their comforting familiarity.

The Capitol Train Station itself was a marvel of architectural grandeur, a vast expanse that Hazel had never imagined existed. Its high, arching ceilings and the abundant natural light streaming through the massive windows lent the space a grandiose atmosphere. The polished surfaces and detailed decorative work added layers of luxury to the station's design, far removed from anything Hazel had seen in her life.

The station was unusually quiet, devoid of the usual hustle and bustle one might expect. Apart from Snow, Dr. Gaul, the tributes, and a few Peacekeepers, the platform was notably devoid of activity.

As Hazel's vision adjusted to the bright lights of the station, she noticed the other tributes from the twelve districts unloading from their respective trains. Each train car was sleek and polished, reflecting the sunlight streaming through the massive glass windows of the station. The tributes, like her and Silus, appeared disoriented yet mesmerized by the splendor surrounding them.

Under Hazel's feet, the marble floors of the Capitol Train Station shone with an impeccable finish, reflecting the grandiosity of the space and the figures moving across it. Each step she took echoed softly, the surface so meticulously polished that it mirrored the soaring columns that lined the walls. These pillars rose majestically, adding to the station's imposing architecture, while ornate chandeliers, suspended from the high ceilings, cast a warm, inviting light over the entire area. Along the designated pathways, plush red carpets unfurled, offering a vivid contrast to the cool, hard marble, their rich color a testament to the lavishness that defined the Capitol.

Strategically positioned throughout the station, Peacekeepers maintained a watchful silence. Their uniforms were crisp, the stark white standing out against the backdrop of the station's grandeur. Each one's gaze was alert, scanning the area with practiced scrutiny, their hands resting with a deceptively casual air on the weapons secured at their belts. Their presence, both reassuring and foreboding, served as a constant reminder of the Capitol's control and the seriousness of the tributes' situation.

As Hazel's gaze wandered, she observed her fellow tributes, each carrying the weight of their districts on their shoulders. A girl from District 4 caught her attention, her long, wavy hair cascading down her back in shades that reminded Hazel of sunlight dancing on ocean waves. She stood with an innate poise, her posture that of someone who had faced challenges head-on, her eyes sweeping over the assembled group with a mix of curiosity and determination.

A younger boy from District 11 seemed almost lost in the magnitude of the station. His head was shaved, making him appear even more youthful, and his large, innocent dark eyes took in his surroundings with a mix of fascination and apprehension. His movements were tentative, betraying his nervousness, and his eyes flickered around the station, absorbing its lavishness with a sense of overwhelming unease. Every so often, his gaze would drop to the marble floor, then dart up to the vast ceiling, as if trying to comprehend the scale of the world he had been thrust into.

As the tributes huddled together, Dr. Gaul, an imposing figure with her graying, curly hair that framed her face in an almost erratic fashion, yet somehow perfectly suited the image of a Capitol genius, moved to the forefront. Her smile, radiant and full, flashed across her face as she greeted them, her teeth a bright white against the backdrop of the grandiose train station. Despite the warmth in her tone, there was a discernible chill in her gaze that hinted at the contradiction within her.

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