Chapter Nineteen: Unveiling

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The unlocking and pulling open of the door jarred Hazel from her nightmare fueled insomnia. Groaning, she glanced at Silus, who was also stirring awake. The room was still bathed in the cool blue tones of the soft pre-dawn light.

"Get up, you two," came Leo's muffled voice, breaking through the morning stillness. Hazel rubbed her eyes, her fingers brushing away the remnants of sleep. She peered at the window, where the sky outside certainly looked earlier than eight in the morning.

"What's going on?" she called out, her voice still heavy with sleep. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, feeling the coolness of the floor against her bare feet. Leo's expression was all business, his eyes betraying no warmth. 

"Get up and meet me outside in 10 minutes," he instructed briskly, not bothering to offer any explanation. With that, he turned and left as quickly as he had entered.

In a flurry of motion, Hazel and Silus hurried to get ready. Hazel carefully examined Silus' stitches, relieved to find them clean and holding well. The previous redness and swelling had thankfully subsided. "Just keep babying it until the Games," she advised.

Silus nodded, gingerly moving his hand as he dressed. "Why do you think he's waking us up this early?" he asked, his brow furrowing with concern.

Hazel paused, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she contemplated. "Maybe he's punishing us for the suture kit," she suggested. They both moved with a sense of urgency, knowing that Leo wouldn't appreciate them being late.

The grand living room of the Manor buzzed with a mix of fatigue and anticipation. Tributes from various districts milled around, some stifling yawns and rubbing sleep from their eyes, while others grappled with the lingering effects of last night's festivities. Among them, the District 2 tributes, notably Caleb, bore the telltale signs of overindulgence, their usual poise dulled by evident weariness.

Hazel and Silus joined the group, weaving through the sleepy crowd to find Leo. Percy, the Head Peacekeeper, stood prominently at the front, his presence commanding attention. 

"Good morning, Sunshines!" Percy's greeting was laced with a jovial undertone. "You're all looking exceptionally spirited this morning." His gaze playfully flickered towards Caleb, his words lightly teasing. "Perhaps a bit too much enjoyment last night, eh, 2? I'd suggest grabbing some water – today's not the day for hangovers."

Percy's expression shifted to one of amused sternness, his dark eyes sparkling with an almost mischievous glint. "Now, as much as I enjoy our early morning gatherings, today's an extra special occasion. We're off to see the new arena, bright and early. The early bird gets the worm, after all. And just between us," he added with a sly grin, "although I might consider y'all the worms in this scenario. Let's make this quick, folks. Grab a bite and hustle to the buses. No dawdling – we've got a big day ahead." 

The tributes exchanged looks. The reality of what lay ahead seemed to weigh heavily on some, while others appeared to embrace the challenge with a sense of grim determination. Hazel felt a warm nausea melt over her at the mention of the arena.

The kitchen was set up with an array of pre-packaged snacks and neatly arranged. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked goods and ripe fruits. Hazel weaved her way through the other tributes, reaching for a ripe banana, its skin a perfect, blemish-free yellow. She selected a granola bar as well, its wrapper crinkling softly in her hand as she picked up an extra one for Silus.

The tributes, each clutching their chosen snacks, filed onto the buses in an orderly fashion. Hazel settled into a seat next to Silus, handing him a banana and granola bar. They both unwrapped their food, the sound of packaging being torn open mingling with the soft hum of the bus engine.

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