Chapter 13: Dance Lessons

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The next morning, Sophie and Agatha were miserable. Neither of them had gotten any sleep and they weren't any closer to solving the School Master's riddle. Not only that, neither of them could speak about it until lunch, when Agatha planned to ask Y/n about it.

Y/n, on the other hand, was having a rather confusing morning. After her conversation with Tedros the night before, she couldn't help but feel a bit sad that the prince who had been so intrigued by her, now wanted to get the attention of her friend. She had never cared before. So why should she care now?

As Y/n made her way around the school, she couldn't help but be lost in her thoughts about the blonde-haired boy.

With Hansel's Haven still in ruins, classes were moved to the tower common rooms. Y/n followed the group of Evers heading to Charity Tower until she made her way into the commons. There were pink couches around the room with princesses scattered around, gossiping about the most random things.

"Y/n, sit here!" Kiko, the short-haired girl from the welcoming day, scooted aside so Y/n could sit next to her.

Y/n moved across the room and sat down next to Kiko, smoothing out her pink dress.

"Everyone has been talking about what happened between you and Tedros in class the other day. Some actually believe you're meant to be," Kiko Spoke excitedly. "While others resent you for it."

Kiko looked over at Beatrix who was already glaring at Y/n and whispering something to her fellow princesses.

"If it makes you feel better, I can't stand her. She always gets everything she wants," Kiko muttered.

"How so?" Y/n questioned.

"There's this boy I like. Tristan. Well, I found out recently that he has a thing for her," she said sadly. "Like every other boy in this school."

"But he gave you his rose didn't he?"

"By accident. I jumped in front of Beatrix to catch it." Kiko gave Beatrix a dirty look. "Do you think he'll take me to the Ball? Not every boy can take that she-wolf."

"What ball?" She asked. She was surprised she hadn't heard about it until now but then again, she only ever spends time with Agatha and Tedros.

"The Evers Snow Ball! It's right before Christmas and every one of us has to find a boy to take us or we're failed! We get ranked as couples based on our presentation, demeanor, and dancing. Why do you think we all wished for different boys at the lake? Girls are practical like that. Boys just all want the prettiest one." Kiko grinned. "Who do you have your eye on?"

Before Y/n could answer, they were interrupted by Professor Anemone bursting into the room.

"I'll have to get back to you on that," Y/n whispered. Even though she didn't quite have an answer.

*Later on*

After class, Y/n met up with Agatha as they arrived at the Valor Commons for class with Pollux.

"I need to talk to you about something at lunch," Agatha said as they walked into class.

Y/n nodded as they stood next to each other and faced the front where Pollux was standing, now with mule legs.

"Every Good girl must dance at the Ball," Pollux stated.

Pollux led the girls through the dances for the Evers Ball, none of which Agatha and Y/n could follow, since he kept falling and mumbling it would "make sense once he got his body back." After tripping a hoof on the rug, impaling himself on the antlers, and landing buttocks first in the fireplace, Pollux barked they "got the point" and wheeled to a group of fairies wielding willow violins. "Play a volta!"

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