The Caged Death

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  Sejanus decided it would be a good idea to the zoo. It wasn't as if his dread of seeing Marcus would ever go away. It was time to face his fears.

...This wouldn't have to do anything with Coriolanus being there as well.

Sejanus knew that Corio had gone to the zoo multiple times before. He figured that the tributes were in cages because of how they were "lesser" than the capitol citizens. Extremely thoughtful, muttered Sejanus' internal dialogue. He wasn't that enthusiastic about seeing Marcus, because after his preparation for the interview, it was more clear than ever how hated he was. Marcus had just glared at him the entire time, his classmates glancing nervously at the bulking boy. Sejanus even earned a pitying look from Coriolanus.

He was ashamed at his excitement.

When Sejanus arrived at the zoo with food in hand, it was chaotic. Stopping to admire the song that Lucy Gray was singing, he cringed at how Coriolanus was watching with awe. The girl from 10 was staring as Arachne Crane held an apple above her head. Sejanus walked forward. He saw Arachne dangle her apple in front of the girl, then quickly pull it away, laughing. Sejanus scowled. It was horrid to taunt starving children with food they had never eaten. He was so caught up in his annoyance that he didn't notice when the girl pulled out a knife and...


Blood everywhere.

Sejanus could see his classmates tormented faces as they watched their friend bleed out to death. Coriolanus rushed forward, grasping Arachne and taking her away with the help of the peacekeepers. Sejanus blinked slowly, trying to process what just happened.

The funeral was two days later.

Sejanus watched as Coriolanus broke into song, his voice rattling the halls and moving the procession to passion. Whispers broke out after he finished. The districts were mutts! They kill perfectly innocent children! Sejanus thought, that as far as innocent went, Arachne was definitely not an innocent child. But he kept that to himself.

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