The Hob

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 It was dark and weird, and Sejanus was getting increasingly uncomfortable by the number of people present. Coriolanus had brought him, in a fleeting attempt to find Lucy Gray... who Sejanus was not going to think about at the moment. Hopefully never. None the less, they had found some great seats, and had decided to pay with his mother's treats. The lights were off, and Sejanus glanced around, curious, as to what would happen next. The lights flicked on, with Lucy Gray at the center. She didn't seem to notice Coriolanus.

But Coriolanus noticed her. "Hey all!" Lucy Gray smiled devilishly at the audience. "Thought you could get rid of me, huh? I mean, both of us never would've imagined me coming back. Well, here I am!" She smiled, and grabbed a guitar, dancing around the stage, singing a beautiful song, with her beautiful voice. Sejanus certainly did not feel beautiful at this moment. Coriolanus nudged him, leaning over and whispering in his ear. "Sejanus, it's her. I'm going to try to talk to her." Sejanus smiled weakly. "Go for it."

Coriolanus made his way towards the front of the stage. And he made his way to Lucy Gray. And as she was singing, and as he was walking, their eyes locked. "Lucy Gray-" Coriolanus began to speak, his voice cracking. And then a young man, looking worse for wear leaped forwards. "Lucy Gray, I'm sorry. Take me back. Take me back!" Sejanus crossed his fingers, feeling incredibly, ridiculously hopeful. "No." That hopefulness was gone.

Billy Toupe grasped Lucy Gray's hands, grabbing her desperately. Suddenly, he was pulled away. Chaos descended, and in the ruckus, Sejanus watched as Coriolanus fought. For Lucy Gray. For a girl. "Coryo! Come on." Coriolanus whirled around and strode forwards, rubbing his cheek. "Fucking monsters," he muttered. Sejanus bit his lip. "At least you saw her, right? And you talked to Maude Ivory. Now let's get back. You'll find her some other time, yeah?" Coriolanus muttered angrily, fingering his now extremely prominent bruise. "Fine."

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