The Invite

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        Sejanus was off the train. His mind was having trouble wrapping around the fact that he would be back in a district, not his own, but still a district. Coriolanus, Sejanus noticed, was having the quite opposite time. Sejanus could see the way he wrinkled his nose and stepped politely around the workers. At this, he felt a pang of anger towards Coriolanus. Did he seriously think that these people had chosen this job? Was he that stupid? Sejanus stared at Coriolanus, seething. As if Coriolanus could sense his gaze, he turned quickly around and stared at Sejanus with his piercing eyes while Sejanus was trying as hard as possible to look away, and miserably failing.

When they made their way to the bunks, Sejanus relaxed in his own bed, staring down at Coriolanus as he stared at the other recruits, seeming in incredible despair. So, he leaned over the bed and lightly poked Coriolanus in the shoulder. It nearly pained him to say, but Sejanus knew it was necessary if Coriolanus was ever going to get his head out of the clouds.

Coriolanus raised his head and met Sejanus' eyes. "What is it?" Sejanus flushed for no particular reason and then said, "Well, I heard that there's this place called The Hob." Coriolanus nodded. "And, well," Sejanus leaned in forwards to whisper in Coriolanus' ear. "That girl, you know, Lucy Gray? I, um, I heard that she would be playing Saturday." Saying this made Sejanus want to die. He knew that after he said this, the reuniting of Lucy Gray- and Coriolanus would be imminent.

But, the way that Coriolanus lit up when he heard of this sent Sejanus into a spiral. He wanted Lucy Gray to be him, more that anything, but he knew that Coryo would be less happy. Way less happy with him. And so, Sejanus swallowed his resentment for Lucy Gray Baird and nodded. "We should go, yeah?" 

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