The Hospital

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Sejanus glanced down at Coriolanus. When he had come to the hospital, they told him that Coriolanus would be fine in a few days, but staring down at him, Sejanus didn't think it would be that soon. Coriolanus was knocked out, and the burns on his arms didn't seem so bad as they did the day before. He was inclined to lean forward to Coriolanus, and hold his hand, because they were friends. Just friends.

Sejanus sat back on the bench, waiting to see if Coriolanus would wake up, before his hour would run out. He leaned against the bench, anxiously tapping his toes against the bench. It had been about twenty minutes before Coriolanus stirred. When he woke up, Sejanus jumped up, quietly. Coriolanus looked up at him, looking out of it. "Wh-why are you here?" "I came to see you," he said. "I had something to tell you..." Coriolanus gave him a small smile and grabbed his hand. Sejanus could feel his cheeks getting redder by the moment, but he decided to think of something else. "Hey, look. Lucy Gray's on the screen, right? Wanna see her interview?" Coriolanus nodded, and Sejanus felt uncomfortable how he seemed to light up around Lucy Gray.

As Lucy Gray began to sing on the television, Sejanus realized that the words were actually of a love song. He could see Coriolanus tense up jealously as she sang of her lover. His suspicions were correct. Coriolanus had a thing for Lucy Gray. The real reason Sejanus was here, what he had wanted to say, was unimportant now. After the interview finished, Coriolanus stared at Sejanus so intensely that Sejanus felt his stomach flip. "What was it you wanted to tell me?" Sejanus shifted away, because Lucy Gray was much more fitting for a guy like him. "Nothing important," he said.

All I Want is Gone.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora