chapter 10

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Killian summoned a wave of snow; it flowed into a circle and created a small portal. leading into a cold and chilling environment. He and killian quickly made their way through the portal, hopper following closely before. They were welcomed by giant icy walls, they stood tall and proud. The guards at the gate moved to open the gates, allowing them inside easily, despite the obvious distaste for Atticus. Atticus followed killian, not wanting to get left behind, he knew these people would not hesitate to stain the snow and ice with his blood. Hopper danced in the snow, catching snowflake after snowflake.
Atticus giggled quietly, still wound up from the actions from just a little while ago. It was all so overwhelming, he could feel himself getting lightheaded, his body freezing. He bumped into something, not realizing it was killian.
"Atticus?" Killian turned to look at him. "Shit! You're burning up!" Killian lifted Atticus and ran him into the castle, ordering the guards to stay put, and the maids to prepare some food and herbs.
The castle servants had never seen their master act this way, yes, he was kind, but this time he was truly worried, it was strange. They all wondered who this boy was. Atticus was wrapped snug in Killian's cloak, the fur caressing his face. Hopper jumped up onto him, snuggling in as killian raced up the stairs, they reached his room and the doors were slammed open, killian put Atticus in the bed, the thick cloak still being worn. Hopper curled up beside him and chirped worriedly.
"I know little dragon, I know. He will be fine, but I imagine going from the blazing heat of aamons territory, to the fierce cold of mine, took a toll on his body, even if he doesn't know it." Killian pat the small thing; he knew Atticus was not aware of how big the dragon would grow to be. Atticus groaned and shuffled in his sleep, burying into the jacket.
" Where...?" Atticus searched with his hands until he felt the cool face of the leader beside him.
"What happened?" He asked drowsily as he tried to sit up.
"No no," killian pushed him back down. "You need rest, the temperature change from the different domains has put your body into shock, you should sleep, no, you will sleep." Killian said.
"Fine. You're so mean, ordering me around." Atticus turned and pouted. Killian chuckled and turned to leave the room.
"Where are you going?" Atticus asked.
"To get you some food and water." Killian replied as he left. The door was shut before Atticus could respond. Killian returned about 15 minutes later. He saw the boy in the same position he was left in, but the only issue, he was still awake.
"And why aren't you asleep?" Killian asked.
"I..." Atticus blushed. "I can't. I've gotten used to sleeping beside someone else, it doesn't feel right to be alone." Atticus confessed softly. Killian just laughed.
"Would you like me to sleep beside you?" Killian asked, amused. Atticus glared at him before responding.
"Yes. Yes, I would." Atticus looked away stubbornly, Killian grinned mockingly.
"I want you to eat something first." Killian held up a small piece of bread for Atticus.
"I don't want to." Atticus turned his head away.
"Don't make me force you to eat it. I really don't want to, but you need to eat." Killian sighed. Atticus turned back looking at him. He took the bread and turned, eating it quickly.
"Happy?" He snarked at the man.
"Yes, now drink some water." Killian held a glass to Atticus's face, some water trickling down the side of his face. Killian shivered at the sight, it was quite enticing, but he knew now wasn't the time, the boy needed to know that he could trust killian, that he could be safe with him.
"I drank the water, now come on." Atticus patted the side of the bed. Killian shook his head at the boy, he crawled onto the bed and went around to the boy, wrapping his arms around the small frame.
"Now, are you happy?" Killian asked.
"Yes." Atticus said, snuggling into the man. It was not long before Atticus was fast asleep, killian felt the little smog snoring in between them, he looked down at the graceful frame of the boy, he was snoring, drooling, and overall, not something you would want to see next to you in bed, but it still was somehow...endearing... to killian. He pulled the boy into him and leaned back, allowing himself the comfort of sleep as well. The two woke up, due to being sick, Atticus was up and not feeling well, this could be seen with how the boy shivered, yet couldn't stand being in blankets, and how he needed water, but got sick when he drank it. killian was worried, he knew it would pass quickly, but it still wasn't good for the boy, he was still waiting for Atticus to talk to him about what happened with Aamon, what happened to make him come to killian sobbing. Atticus was currently trembling against the ginger man, cold. Killian tried to push him off, he knew that Atticus cuddling up to him would just make him colder. Atticus clung to killian, not wanting to give up the comforting touch, hopper cuddled up next to both of them, unbothered by the cold atmosphere. Atticus whined as a wave of dizziness crashed over him.
"That's it. You need to rest Atticus, you need to get better, being near me won't help that, I'm sorry." Killian said, making Atticus freeze.
"What?" He said.
"You heard me, you can't get better with me here, once you feel better you can be with me again, sounds good?" Killian asked.
"No! Of course, it doesn't!" Atticus was interrupted by a fit of coughing.
"Do you see what I mean? You're just getting worse! It's not good for you." Killian turned to the doorknob.
Atticus grabbed onto the sleeve of killian's shirt.
"You promise that once I'm better you will come back?" Atticus looked killian in the eye, weak.
"Yes. I promise." Killian sighed. "I'm leaving now, get better for both of us, okay?" Killian asked.
"Okay." Atticus said quietly. Killian smiled, he knew the boy had to get well soon, for him and for his kingdom. Killian was worried that Aamon might try to come after him and his people, what would happen when the inevitable came? Killian didn't know how it might play out. He planned to start civilly, to cast a vote, Aamon and killian would be voted on by the other leaders, the other leaders would decide who they wanted Atticus to stay with more, killian and Aamon would get a say, as would Atticus, but it was likely up to the leaders in the end. Killian was worried that his people would not accept Atticus, he didn't want to force a new person on them, but he didn't want Atticus to be endangered. If worse comes to worse, killian would send Atticus to live with Ilya. Atticus might even be happier there; he clearly hadn't been taking the cold as well as killian had thought he would.
Atticus was slowly getting better, he still was sick, but he would definitely get well faster, without killian there. Killian would come back to Atticus in just a few days, giving the boy time to heal.

With Atticus

Atticus was curled up on the bed, annoyed that killian refused to stay with him.
"Why can't he stay here? He acts like it's dangerous." Atticus was muttering. "I want to be healed; I want to hang out with Killian." Atticus was whining to himself now, that was at least, until he felt the headache and the pain slowly left his body, his stuffy nose was gone, and suddenly he was awake. He was still tired, but he didn't feel sick anymore, it was great, but Atticus still wondered how it was possible.
Maybe it had something to do with his demon self? He remembered Aamon mentioning that dream demons were rare and powerful, but so far Atticus hadn't been at all powerful, maybe this was a sign?
He had to tell Killian fast, but how would he? Killian had left and Atticus didn't know where he could be.
Suddenly the door opened, a person walked inside, their face covered.
"Is there anything you need sir? I have been assigned to your care." The person bowed.
"No no, please, stand up, there is no reason to bow to me... do you know where Killian is?" Atticus asked them.
"Killian did not want his location specified; he wanted you to focus on your health." The servant looked away.
"But I'm better! I fixed myself, I don't know how exactly, but I did!" Atticus bounced excitedly. The servant bowed their head to Atticus, accepting his words.
"I still cannot take you to the castle master, it would do neither of us good to disobey him." The servant turned to walk away. "Now, if that is all I shall take my leave." The servant then opened the door and left, leaving it ever so slightly cracked. Atticus sighed in frustration, he knew the door was open, and the servant's footsteps had been getting farther and farther away, this gave Atticus the perfect chance to go himself, he didn't need a servant, he could find killian on his own. Atticus confidently stood up, he walked to the door and carefully slid it open, looking through the halls, making sure no one was occupying them. He ran out quickly after reassuring himself that he would be fine, he still had killian cloak wrapped around him, keeping him warm despite the outfit he had. He was wearing a short, black shirt, and shorts, he hadn't changed out of the clothes he was wearing at Aamon castle. Atticus turned a corner and ran, looking almost everywhere for killian, he stopped a few times to ask around, but they all seemed to be weary of him, almost avoiding him. Atticus saw a window and stopped, the shimmering towers of ice were captivating, they spiraled around and covered the vast desert of ice and glaciers.
Atticus pulled himself out of the daze and continued his way through the castle, slower now as he admired the decorations, patterns, and engravings on the stone walls. Atticus admired the castle, but upon looking around more, he saw two grand doors, they were more decorated than the others and above it was the name "ice master killian". Atticus knew he found a jackpot as he opened the doors, he entered the room and looked around, treasures upon treasures were hoarded in the room, but what really caught his attention was the giant window, killian was standing over it, he was talking to the people? Atticus walked carefully to the corner of the room, only to be tackled by a guard. Atticus yelped and turned around, crawling around and out of the tight grip of the guard, he stood up and growled. The guard dragged him towards killian.
"Sir! We have an intruder; he was trying to steal from you." The guard announced, the crowd beneath them gasped, angered that someone would even dare. Atticus desperately looked up at killian.
"Killian! I wasn't! I was looking for you." Atticus pleaded, anxious.
"Release him." Killian ordered, clearly annoyed with Atticus. The guard let Atticus go, he stumbled forward towards the railing. Killian caught him and pulled Atticus to his chest. Killian cupped Atticus face in his hands.
"I told you to stay in your room." Killian brow furrowed in worry. "I know you weren't stealing. Are you hurt?" Killian sighed.
"No. I'm fine." Atticus growled. "I wanted to tell you that I'm better. I don't know how but... I really wanted to be better, and then I was." Atticus looked up at killian nervously.
"I see. You look better too. We will look into this later, now that you're here, let me introduce you to my people." Killian smiled.
"Okay?" Atticus said, following what killian did, not wanting to get in trouble again.
"Everyone, this, is Atticus." Killian held Atticus's hand up with his own, listening to the murmurs from the people.
"Don't worry, you will be fine." Killian reassured him, squeezing his hand. "Everything will be fine."

Word count: 2115
Hello lovelys! It's been a while, I hope you like the story so far, I will continue to update obviously, I like writing this story way more than I liked writing the harry Potter fanfiction that we don't talk about.

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