The 16th Chapter

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The morning had arrived, and I could see both Mary and Jessica making their way towards the front door. They had boxes in their hands much like last time, supposedly this was the final delivery they were doing for the week. Me and Purple Girl waved to them as they entered.

Jessica: Oh, hey guys! How's it going?

Mary: Did you find Freddy a replacement?

Y/N: We sure did!

I motioned my head towards the stage, and the girls turned to see the girls chatting with Foxy. Suddenly they all turned to wave at the Mary and Jessica, both of whom looked surprised.

Jessica: Foxy?! You're the new performer?!

Foxy: Thats right Lass! I'm finally performing again after all these years!

Chica: She's super nervous!

Foxy started blushing and started yelling at Chica that she shouldn't have revealed that to them. Bonnie and Chica were laughing their asses off the whole time whilst we all just stared. I noticed Jessica chuckling to herself and Mary shaking her head. The two of them came up to us with their boxes in hand.

Jessica: I think it's nice that Foxy has this opportunity to shine once more.

Mary: I suppose so. Would've preferred a less perverted Animatronic personally, but I guess beggars can't be choosers.

Veronica: Well, I'm off to go clean myself up, you girls have fun unpacking.

Purple Girl then walked off to the backroom door, probably to go shower. Leaving me with Mary and Jessica, who requested I help them unload the rest of the boxes. I figured I should at least try and do so, since I don't have much else to do. The morning's only just arrived, there's time to wait before the convention opens, I should use it somehow.

Y/N: So what are you guys actually transporting?

Mary: Stuff from other locations, companies considering closing them down.

Jessica: Or possibly refurbishing, we don't know.

Mary: Either way, we don't have any storage compartments to keep this stuff, so it's all gotta come here.

That sort of makes sense, if you have nowhere else to go, I guess it's best to keep it at the main place. But at the same time, it feels sort of inefficient to only have this one building and no extra storage compartments, it would probably help a lot.

Jessica: So what are you planning to take?

Y/N: Huh?

Mary: Since there's so much, employees have access to keep some things for themself. Anything you're interested in?

Now that's intriguing, I could take something home? I'd obviously need my pay-check first, I still want to buy a better, more comfortable home before adding new stuff. Although, it could take a while before we get to that point... I might be have to take it to my apartment first. But what would I keep? What even is there?

Mary: You probably want one of the girls as a sex doll don't you?

Y/N: Wait, what? No, Hell No! Absolutely not, I just... hold on, you can keep an Animatronic? Is that even allowed?

Jessica: Yeah. Whilst me and Mary are aren't touching any of them, Veronica is definitely keeping at least one.

Y/N: Really? Which one?

The two looked at each other for a moment, then looked back. In perfect sync, they presented me with a shush. Guess I'll have to ask Veronica about it later, but as for Mary and Jessica themselves, they're keeping an Oven and an Ice Cream Machine respectively.

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