||Chapter 2: New School||

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"Remember; Behave, make new friends and work hard."
Clara used a roller to pick up any dust on Elizabeth's shirt, Micheal knew that 'behaviour' rule was directed towards him mostly.
"Yeah, yeah. I know; Don't cause issues."
Clara sighed, she put the roller down,"I know it's hard Mike, moving away from your friends but it's just temporary and we'll be back before you know it.", Micheal rolled his eyes, he did miss his friends but he was more mad that he had to be here with his family when he was practically old enough to stay home; They didn't have to rent their house to people when he was old enough to stay.


Diana didn't expect to have Mr Afton's youngest son in her class.
"Hi, you're his new teacher; My son is a bit. . . Anxious about the move, new class and if it's alright, he can keep his bear Fredbear with him."
Diana nods, smiled,"Of course, that's no problem at all.", Diana knelt down, smiling to make him feel comfortable,"Hi, I'm Mrs Peterson your new teacher; We'll make yourself and Fredbear feel as welcomed as possible.", so Diana stood up, offered her hand and with a nod of encouragement from his mom, he took her hand, waved goodbye as he went inside with Mrs Peterson.


Elizabeth scanned her new class.
No sign of the three talking that were talking to Evan, might be in different classes.
"So, what's the task?"
Enzo pointed to the page,"We're going to be testing the Bunsen Burner, see the different flame colours and heat level.", that sounded boring, but she wanted to see the pretty colours.


"So you guys get classes with the new kids?"
Aaron shook his head,"Not yet, but we're more likely to only pass the older sibling.", "I met her.", Enzo sat down, opening his lunchbox and looked exhausted,"How was she?", "She's nice, but she seemed very bored during the lessons and kept staring at the clock, which isn't uncommon but she just let me do all the work.", "Horrible decision on her case.", Maritza plopped next to her brother, who gave her a playful glare at that comment, but they saw her again walking towards the younger kids and talking to her younger brother.
"Let's just see how this goes."
"Yeah, it's only their first day."
The group agreed, it was only their first day here.


Nicky was surprised to not see Charlie anywhere, he saw Evan outside, Elizabeth in or two of his classes and their older brother in the halls.
Maybe Charlie wasn't starting today, or maybe she was homeschooled by her dad.
That's the only logical reasons he could think off.


". . ."
"See anything?"
Evan shook his head,"Not really. . .", Evan didn't want to join any club, and Elizabeth couldn't decide which club she wanted to try first.
"Oooh~ Music Club: Perfect!"
Elizabeth wrote her name on the flyer, then wrote down the days she'd be staying after school for the club.
"Let's go wait for Micheal, and dad to pick us up."
So they walked to the entrance, Evan glanced around him.
While waiting for the crowd of people to fan out, Evan peaked into a classroom and found a bunch of mechanical tools, parts and a boy talking to a girl with black hair, from hand movements they were discussing how to put something together.
Like Dad. . .
"Hey, Evan!"
Evan was pulled by his sister, they survived their first day of school!


Mya ran to her dad, he knelt down and hugged her,"Have a good day today?", "Yeah!", as Mya told her dad about the day she had, she didn't feel the eyes of Elizabeth on her.
. . .
"Why doesn't daddy act like that with us?"
"I dunno."
She couldn't help but help but feel envious of this girl, a dad that seemed so involved and interested in his children.
"You two waiting for the bus?"
Aaron approached them,"No, we're. . . Waiting for Mikey.", "Mikey?", "Me; It's Micheal.", Micheal approached them, folding his arms and obviously was annoyed.
"Hi, Mike."
"Hey. . ."
Micheal sighed,"Guess we're walking back, he's probably busy with that Pizzeria; So hurry up.", with that, he purposefully bashed Aaron out of the way, he nearly fell but Nicky caught his fall before he did.
"What's his problem?"
"Mike's always been like that. . ."
Elizabeth apologised and, she and her brother raced after their older brother.
Aaron glared after him.
"You're going to fight him, aren't you?"
"Regrettably; Yes."


Miguel finished proof reading the Banner Paper,"Looks good; This Pizzeria does sound promising to have in town.", Jay nods, Ike peered over from the mic,"Have you met them, I know Henry came by right?", "Yeah, real nice guy: Apparently he and his daughter are here their their business partner's family.", Ike nods, Miguel titled his head, Jay immediately knew something was on his mind.
It was hard to tell, but Miguel would bite the legs of his glasses when he was nervous or thinking.
"Miguel, what's wrong?"
"I dunno. . . I know from some research, this is a popular franchise but there's just, something bugging me that something isn't right.", Ike understood why, since the Theme Park Incident and corrupt Cop, Mayor and his old boss, the town lost trust in The Mayors and cops.
"Hey, want me to dig deeper after work? As a past security guard, and with some connections; I can see what I can dig up.", Miguel nods,"Okay, thank you Ike.", Ike nods,"No worries, ready when you are.", and with that, Ike flipped a switch and was live on air.

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