||Chapter 16: Rumors||

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"Man. . ."
The Caretaker peaked into The Inventor Club Room, the kids were back in school and while they still had a bit of healing to do still, they're still reeling from that.

Trinity picked her nail a bit,"So. . . How was it handled?", Nicky looked up,"Well, my therapist and phycologist said it was something new.", Bagger leaned back in his chair,"Yeah, dad's even stumped on who was the one in the bunny suit.", Mya was tired, she had another nightmare and it's been a while since she's had one and Aaron didn't blame her.
"Well. . . Who do you think was in the suit?"
.  . .
"Well, it had to be someone that had the keys to the building, so between The Aftons and The Emilys.", Enzo nods,"I agree, we're not pointing fingers it's just the logic we can go off of as of now.", Aaron nods,"Yeah, and I heard Dad say that Henry admitted that the suit belonged to William.", Maritza nods, snapping her fingers to Aaron,"Suspicious. Doesn't help he's got a wound on his face, since your dad punched the one in the suit.", Scout nods, writing down that observation,"True, and Mya, you said he was staring at your dad. . .?", Mya nods,"Glaring at him.", Trinity whistled, looking out the window,"Won't be long till word gets around and people make their own theories.", they all nod and hum in agreement, Raven Brooks may be better now, but people still are wary.
And it certainly doesn't help if there is a child murderer running around, waiting to try and trap them again to kill them?
"Hope the Aftons and Emilys kids are okay. . ."
They nod, the Petersons knew what it was like to have rumors spread about them but their name was cleared thanks to Norman and Ike, but this was different. . . There was more solid evidence.


"Mrs Afton?"
Mrs Afton jumped, Diana stepped back,"Sorry, are you alright?", Mrs Clara nods,"Yes, I apologise; It's been very stressful week, and. . .", Diana smiled,"I can help you, I'm doing some shopping myself.", Mrs Clara smiled, her knuckles were white as she pushed her cart and Diana followed with a bag in her arm,"Thank you. . .", "No worries.", Mrs Clara was still nervous, but she couldn't help it.
"Listen. . . I'm truly, so sorry, I never expect this to happen with my Husband's Location.", Diana just smiled,"It's alright, my husband has had his hiccups with his career but we got through after it got cleared up.", Mrs Afton was surprised, watching her scan the Strawberries,"Really?", "A lot came out in the trail, and after another incident we decided it was time for him to have a break, focus on his health and you; Make sure the work doesn't consume him anymore.", Mrs Clara nods, Diana smiled as she picked up two containers of Strawberries,"And it's definitely helped and brought out the best of him.", she held them in,"For Aaron; He loves Strawberries.", she put them in her bag,"And your husband, how is he and the kids?", Mrs Afton knew this, so she cleared her throat,"Uhm, well my husband loves his work and tends to keep the kids away for their safety, and the kids... Well.", Mrs Afton let her eyes drift, seeing Michael finally and was looking through the magazines.
"They'll be kids."
Diana nods,"Do you need any help find anything?", Mrs Afton thought about it, she sighed,"Uhm, do you happen to know the best deal. . . On this?", she showed Diana her list, who smiled softly and nods,"Oh yes, of course."


"Thank you so much, Mrs Peterson."
Diana smiled,"No need to be formal, just Diana is fine.", Micheal titled his head, the more he looked at her the more he felt like he had seen her before.
"Hey, uhm. Can I ask, but you look familiar; Have you ever been in like, on TV or something?"
Diana then turned a little pink,"Uh. . .", Mrs Afton then realised who Diana was,"Wait, I know you. You were that dancer, you are quite popular.", Diana  turned red, all of a sudden that confident woman had turned very shy from her body language, swaying a little from left to right and  fiddling with the bag handles,"Ah, yes. . . I was a dancer and performed, got a teaching job to spend more time with my kids.", Diana bowed her head,"Thank you.", Micheal hummed.

Diana was burning red.
Ted smiled and chuckled at his wife, who had become shy,"You always get nervous when someone brings up your shows and compliments you.", Mya and Aaron were telling their mom to be proud and accept the compliments.


Rumors were spreading.
Afton figured the police and incompetent or the cameras were taking too long to process but he's not going to make another mistake.
Whatever; He got away with it for this long, he could do it again.
Though it may be wise to target the same kids, he'll need some new targets and to change his tactics.

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